Monday, July 18, 2011


...or however you spell it.

Today is one of the happiest days of my life.

My Multiple Myeloma is in "forced remission" which is the absolute best state of being that a Myeloma Cancer patient can be in.
After many, many tests of all kinds, the cause of the chronic blood infection I had which was throwing me alternately into tremors trying to get warm to night sweats because I was too hot and trying to stuff me in the Tuff Shed at the same time...and this had been going on since November last!...was found and taken care of.
The C-diff intestinal bacterial issues have been made to dissappear.
AND Today the last of my Dr.s up here (I've got one more to consult in Denver) has declared me pert ne'er as healthy as I'll ever get because the mass in my lung which just few months ago they biopsied to see if it was cancerous (it warn't) had just disappered completely and gave me the "green light", as has all my other Docs, to continue with re-hab for a bit and then ease myself back "into the mainstreet of life", as my friend Vicky would say.

Tonight, looking back what most vividly comes to mind is that, "prayer works."

Thanks for all your prayers...


  1. Congratulations, Pete! It's what we've all been wishing for. I look forward to seeing you around town, robust and busy.

  2. I remember a long time ago, yet during this journey, you said something like, "Don't let them take control of your life and your health care."
    I have mentally gone back to that many times recently and it has given me strength...thank you!
    I'll be outa the rehab next week and shortly thereafter I'd love to come over and check out the new digs!
    I'll call first.

  3. Hooray, Hooray, Hooray...that is absolutely fabulous news...I am so happy for you!! I know you will be back out there listing and selling again soon. Obviously God still has work for you to do and for that I am incredibly grateful! Keep trudging my friend.
    Love you
