Sunday, November 13, 2011


I ain't even gonna go back and see when the last time I blogged was, but it was a fur piece aback...
Anywho, we'll pretend that it was prior to my last visit with Dr. Lee at the University of Colorado Hospital in Denver.
And actually my last visit with Dr. Lee was really my first visit in quite a while as he had been on a "Medical Sabbatical" and his return to UCH was questionable...but he did return.
Soooooooooooo, after his perusal of my latest PetScan, X-rays, MRI, CatScan and blood work his conclusion was, as was hoped...and prayed for, thank you!... was that my "forced remission" was firmly in place!!!
That was the good news.
Why does there have to be good news/bad news scenarios that go hand in hand?
Well, seems that in perusing all tests he came with the conclusion that although my Multiple Myeloma was well in hand, I was having lung issues identified as Fungal Pneumonia. Because Dr. Lee had been away from my case on a "hands on" basis, he did not want to say whether the crud in my lungs was new crud or lingering/lurking crud from 6 months ago.
He whipped out his prescription pad and wrote out a prescription for V************ade (close 'nuff), and said "You go home, get this filled and take it right away!"
So I hauled derriere home and went to Sam's Club Pharmacy and they didn't have it but called the local WalMarts and they didn't have it either.
I sojourned tothe nearest Walgreens and they didn't have it but called the 1411 oher Walgreens in Ft. Collins and found one that had it.
I thenst scooted 'cross town to the appointed Walgreens, told them what I was there for and the Pharmacist casually rang it up and said, "(sic)...I just had to do that...That'll be $2,700 and some change, please."
"Holy fill in the blank!", I silently screamed.
Out loud I asked if that was with my insurance and was met with, "Oh, you have insurance?", towith I said, "Yup."
So, she got on the phone as my insurance was noted in their system and came back a few minutes later to tell me that they needed "prior authorization" from the insurance co. and that with my insurance it would be $180.ish., but it would be probably 48 hours to effect that.
Oh, ok.
So I go in the meantime my gout had been manifesting itself slowly for a period of a couple of weeks and where making my ankles and my knees sooooooo ouchy that it was beginning to be difficult to walk.
Well, that's partially my fault because my gout medicine had gone from $30 for a 90 day supply to almost $500, but with assurance from my pharmacist that it would be going back down to $30 soon. I'd been cutting what I had left in half and started taking it every other day or so and I'd cut back on my cherry juice (a gout remedy).
OK, sooooooo now I have fungal pneumonia, gout and thenst appears a fever of 101.8, or comes the ambulance and back to the hospital I go!
I get to spend a day and a half in ICU where they managed to exrtact some f the crud from my lungs by going down through my nose and my throat, but no lung biopsy(!), ascertaned it was unknown crud and not malignant and sent me up to the Oncology favorite floor in Poudre Valley Hospital.
Wellst, I spend a few days there, get told that the V************ade is to be discontinued and replace by Zi***********, which is $2,200 but only $130ish with my insurance and get to come home day before yesterday, got to church this AM and am feelin' pretty good.
You know, I used to add up and get worried about all these medical bills, but I've just given up. I open them, 3-hole punch them and put them in a folder ad will get to them when I can.
I'm tempted to add them up in my head, but I'm not gonna.
I'm just dang glad to be out, home and feelin' good!

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