Sunday, November 14, 2010

Home Sweet Home?!?!?!?!?!?

Assuming everything goes right, a.k.a. labs, I'll be outa here and home by noon!
One wouldn't think that a bump on the head would land me in the hospital for durn near a week, would ya?
But it did, sorta.
Heckuva Mugshot, eh?
Check above the budding raccoon mask and you'll see some fuzz on top of the ol' noggin!

I still don't have it figured out how a fall could poke a hole in both my kidney and my spleen, but if'n anybody can accomplish that I can and did!
They'll heal themselves just like the broken bone above my left eye will, but the jury is still out as to whether or not I'll have to have the bone beneath my left eye "repaired"...I'll know that when the swelling and bruising goes down in a week or thereabouts.
I just found out it seems like there's some issue with my blood pressure that might keep me here!
If you'd been through what I've been through in the past 9 moinths, you'd have high blood pressure too!!!!!!!!

No body has come up with a definitive explanation for my "falling" but they seem to mention my blood pressure meds and dehydration working in combination that are culpable along with one of my chemo drugs.
So, it appears that I'm gonna get to play the "find a balance" between a high blood pressure med, proper hydration and the rest of my meds including the chemo drugs that get to accompany me for the next three years...

You know, this stayin' alive ain't as easy as it once was.
Wasn't there a song about "Stayin' Alive" back in the 80's?
I think it was a Disco thing and I didn't do Disco...I did Johnny Walker Red instead.
Maybe I woulda turned out better if I coulda danced Disco in a spandex three piece suit and drank wuss drinks with umbrellas in them.


What was, "Yeah, you can go home Sunday morning" just turned into, "We'll try and get you home later today or tomorrow."
I'm not a happy camper.
As a few folks can attest I get a little testy when I'm told I can go home and then either get home and rebounded back or just don't get to go home after I'm told I can.



  1. Well, this is the most worked up I've known you, so I can tell it's an awful experience. Hang in there. You're earthy home is only a temporary dwelling, anyway, so you can manage a few more nights away from it.
    Missed seeing you in worship this morning!
    PS-I think you've missed a few bodily places to hurt yourself over the years. Can we say you've found enough?

  2. What a wonderfully Handsome man you are...through it all you still have a smile, yep I can see it...and what a lovely shaped head you have and I love the fuzz...God has given you the strength and I know how much will-power you have!!! Onward and Upward my friend..always praying for you.
