Saturday, November 27, 2010

The saga of the big bimp (re: Peter Sellers as Inspector Cluseau) and then...

This is a picture (thanks Gregg!),  of the bump on my head apppx. 45 minutes after I fell and before Gregg
transported me to the hospital.
That was I dunno how long ago...a month maybe?
Anywho I'm still Black and Blue, but that is maybe we should call the day after Thanksgiving Black and Blue Thursday?
The bump?
I went to the Facial Trauma doc. earlier this week and he tried to drain the bump, but it's now full of congealed blood...yuk... and short of making an incision and scraping out the "stuff"...yuk...which he can't do because that would be the equivalent of minor surgery which can''t happen because I can't have any kind of surgery because of low platelets and the risk of infection so I just have to wait for my body to take care of it and that'll probably take a few months!
So my "Quasimodo" look will be with me for a bit.

Just a brief note on why Thanksgiving Day and what I had/have to be thankful for...

Day before yesterday, Thanksgiving Day, marked 90 days since my transplant.
Wow, without that transplant I'd "be a goner".
But the transplant, although it certainly made a difference it didn't make the difference.
The Great Physician played the biggest role but it was the prayers and presence of the people that made the difference.
That is not a contradictory sentence at all...but you'd have to be me to truly understand it, I think.

To have the presence of people who made the sojourn to the University of Colorado Hospital sometimes several times a week, is what made the difference. Without them I know I would not have been able to survive the ordeal...and I do know that.
To those three of you who showed up soooooo often, I salute you and I thank you for your lives.
To those of you who made the trips from far away, i.e. my brother and sister, you have always been there for me when I've needed you, you'll never know how much I love's true, you'll never know, just know that I do.
To those of you who came and stayed with me at Brent's Place (the transitional housing place that I stayed a for 3 weeks after leaving the hospital), I know it must have been boring but it was incredibly comforting for and to me.
To those of you who organized, participated in and got your vehicles cleaned at the car wash, bless your individual and collective hearts. For those of you who are members of, or are not (!) I am humbled by your benevolence, your prayers and your thoughts and those incredible Birthday Cards which Bonnie affixed to the wall in my hospital room.
To you guys stationed at RE/MAX Advanced who called me, came down to see me, sent me cards, the Car Wash, your benevolence, the "Welcome Home" Sales Meeting, it's you guys who help make and keep that place the magical place that it is.
To those of you who just heard of my "plight" somehow and just jumped on the prayer/thought/cart/phone call/e-mail Pete's bandwagon.
To those of you who followed this blog and made your comments which I so appreciated and made me cry and gave me hope.
And to anybody I've missed in the above clans, Thank you and know that you indeed have saved a life.
Again, I'm not taking anything away from the Big Guy, but I know that it was the presence of people, whether they were present or not that saw me through this.

There are no words...but Thank You and Bless you, each and every one of you.

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