Wednesday, January 19, 2011


It's been a long time since I did this blog thing {since Dec. 3rd!}and I'm going to regret it, I know.
Well, when time comes this is going to become part of my journal and maybe part of my "autobiography".
I have been working n an autobiography for probably 10 years's titled I Don't Do Rough Drafts.
Anywho, a lot has happened since I last entered...
I was feeling pretty good, I think, which may have contributed to my lack of blogging and I was preparing to deal with the holidays and skating along until Christmas hit.
What all happened to me had nothing to do with the "reason for the season", unless it was the Dark Side at work.
Please forgive me if I'm off a day or two in my recollections here, but things got pretty weird/bad/malappropriate {figure that one out...}, but I'll be within a day or two of what happened...maybe.
Christmas Eve day I came down with a cold/flu bug and stayed in my chair reading and feeling cruddy.
I had really wanted to go to the Christmas Eve Service at my church but I just felt toooooooooo bad to even attempt it...but wouldn't you know it, one of those Agents of God brought the Service to me! I was just hunkered down in my chair and " the door flew open and much to my surprise" was a host of Carolers who sang Christmas Carols just outside my front door!"
Thanks Bruce, I love you for that and all the Carolers who came.
That day and that evening there was talk of taking me to the hospital that day, but I was scheduled to go in the day after Christmas for a 2-day tune up, as my chemo Doc called it, to get me back in shape and restart my chemo (three year) regimen.
Well, I checked in to the hospital and almost immediately I was stricken with a mysterious/mischievous virus which yet is unidentied!
The bad news is that it almost took me out.
The good news is that it didn't.
The "funny" news is what it did to me and what I did while under its influence.

OK, I need to say here that I lost and don't remember basically the first week I was in the hospital!!! A lot of what I relate here comes from the folk who came and bed-sided me through this ordeal...and I really hope this is the last time they have to do that...

Physically, I swoll up to be described as a stand in/stunt man-dummy for the Michelin tire guy. They eventually had to drain the excess liquid from my bod starting with my knees, ankles and then catheterized me and I shrunk down to "normal".

Mentally I was just off my rocker.
I'm told that I was convinced that I had just gotten ripped off because I had just preformed a Marriage Ceremony and instead of being "paid" momonetarily that they had paid me with some bad heroin!
From there I went off on some tangent about the hospital being a retail drug outlet for illicit drugs.

My sense of smell must have gotten acute because I had strange things to say and comment on the latex gloves they use so un-sparingly in the hospital and the comments I made, out loud {just couldn't keep my dang mouth shut!}were certainly inappropriate...I'll explain in person if'n you'd like.

I spent 5-7 days just out of my mind and don't remember a dang thing, including Doug having to hand feed me a Peach Upside Down Cake that Bonnie baked and  brought in!
She also brought me a Peach Upside Down Cake for my Birthday when I was in the hospital in Denver on my actual Birthday...Wowsers.

Anywho, I put on quite an act whilst I was there.

Thenst, they...the passel of Docs who had worked diligently on me while I was being such a physical and mental idiot...decided that I should go to a ReHab facility for maybe two weeks.
Well, lemme tell you I didn't like that idea at all...right now I couldn't tell you why.

I finally caved and said Okay...

More later. Good night and I love you all.

I'm listening to, "You are the Wind Beneath my Wings", and that wind would be yous.
I'm doing the artesian well of tears right now and those tears are tears of love and gratitude....


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back from the dark side Pete! We're all praying you will continue to get stronger and further away from that edge every day.
    XOXOXO my friend
