Saturday, May 7, 2011

Before I get "re"started...

To those of you who have e-mailed me, called me, or in person asked me why I stopped I go and I commit to keep going until I have another writers block episode, either pharmaceutically or wrong spiritually induced or just plain extended sloth.
I'm not sure why I did stop, other than maybe I've spent a lot of time in the hospital since Christmas and for some of that time I had neither Internet nor cell phone access and I just got out of the habit.
And I commit not necessarily to you, but to me as this also serves as my journal for as long as I blog here. Oh, I may make some comments in my journal, but this does serve as my "main" journaling narrative vehicle for the time being.
And...I know that I am woefully delinquent in answering a number of e-mails, some of them going back 3 months or so :~( , but I will answer them but I'm not sure in what order...just know, please, that I will but it may take me some {but not a lot of} time to do so.

Anywho, fracturedly I'm back in blogging mode...


Been a while, huh?

Well, yeah it has.
My fault.
I sorta became my own "yesterdays news".
It's kinda like the Japan thing...pretty dang serious and captures a lot of attention, but a short time later it's not on TV 24/7. Oh, there are references to "it", but normal life gets in the way and although Japan has become a conversation starter, it's not as interesting or enthralling as it was just a few days ago...yesterdays news.
Then came Lybia and that sorta took over the "front page". Oh, Japans stuff was still there and very important but it didn't take up the whole front page anymore and sometimes you had do get into the hear of the paper to find any Japan news.
Then came Elizabeth Taylor's passing and then sadly the news of Geraldine Ferraros passing.
Geraldine Ferraros passing came as a shock to me...not that I knew her or had an immense amount of respect for her, although I did respect her even if her 1984 Vice Presidential candidacy had slipped my mind {became yesteryear's news} she died of complications of Multiple Myeloma, the cancer that I have.
Tomorrow I doubt if any of those "items" will be on the front page, but lingering news of the floodings and bin Laden (although that "story" is becoming ad nauseum) and of course "the wedding" will be somewhere  but not dominating the front page.
I just got used to going to the hospital, leaving the hospital, getting a fever and going back to the hospital, leaving the hospital and going to rehab, getting out of rehab an winding up back in he hospital, leaving he hospital for a different rehab, winding up back in he hospital and thenst winding up here in the rehab I 'm presently inhabiting.
Sooooooo, what's that got to do with my lack of e-mail communication and blogging?
Cuz I made myself yesterdays news cuz what was going on with me had become "normal", and for me uneventful even though I was getting shuttled to and fro a lot.
Does that make any sense?

But I've pretty much come out of that, am in a rehab that I can tolerate for the month or more that I'm destined to be here for...
And what am I here for?
Hey, that gives me a reason to be in communique after church tomorrow!

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