Monday, May 9, 2011

Hi y’all

Wellst I made the trek to the University Hospital today and there was good news and bad news, of course.
 The bad news: Dr. Lee, my main Oncologist dude, is not at the hospital “at present”. He is on a “Clinical Leave of Absence” and that was all he information I was given with a hint that he may or may not return. I was not given a definition of “clinical leave of absence” so I’m sort of out there in not understanding land.

Dr. Myint is taking over Dr. Lees case load, although I did not see him today.

Just prior to finding this out I was telling Jessica who drove me to and fro how it seemed as if, similar to when I got sober in a way, that God just picked me up by the collar and set me down in the midst of the right people that carried me to sobriety and He did it again with my cancer, and that bunch certainly included Dr. Lee, one of the worlds foremost clinicians on Multiple Myeloma.

Dr. Lee and his expertise and guidance to my other Drs., including Dr. McFarland, my local Oncologist, (and I’m not taking anything away from him or what he has done for me) has gotten me to the place where I am, for now, in that state of forced remission which was and is the best possible scenario.

And as I know that I am in Gods hands, grace and protection, I am a little nervous/scared not having Dr. Lee physically in my corner.

I’m gonna be ok even without him, right?

The good news: I didn’t see Dr. Myint today, but my appointment and reports therein were handled by Denise, who just so happened to be my favorite Physician Assistant during the moths I spent inpatient at the University Hospital.

BTW, she says, “Hi”, Doug.

What she told me that I am making progress, that my worrisome levels, Platelet, White Blood Cells, etc. were all looking good and showing good progress and confirmed the forced remission of my cancer.

I’m gonna be ok, you know!

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