Friday, May 20, 2011

Home Safety Evaluation...

I hate motorcycle, car and computer problems equally.
I've had computer issues for a few days that required I surrender my computer to my local computer guru Max for computer regeneration.
Last issue I had, my brother in Portland was able to access my computer remotely and he made te issue it was having all more better.
Anywho, that's why I've been cyber-MIA for a few days.
So, what's new you ask?
Well, a Home Safety Evaluation by the Rehab Occupatioal Therapy dept. has been sheduled for next Wednesday.
That's where they come over to the house and see how safe it is...
The last Rehab I was in did the same thing so I know what needs to be done, like a grab bar in the shower, a taller toilet and not so many scatter rugs.
nywho, the Home Safety Evaluation is being referred to as the first step in Discharge Planning.
I am not saying a word, but my hopes are I'm outa here in a week or 10 days.
I'm doing well in both Occupational and Physical Therapy and it has showed itelf in my strength and stamina.
There is an internal route within the facility that constitutes a 400 foot "lap". Initially, with my walker...after I was strong enough to stand and use it... I was able to do one lap.
Last Monday I was given permission to lean my walker up against the wall and walk on my own.
I had a goal of first walking 14 laps with the walker...which would be appx. a mile...and then 14 laps without the walker.
Well, once they told ne I didn't need my walker I abandoned the 14 lap thing using the walker (I was up to 8 or 9 I think).
I told myself I'd start with one lap walkerless but I/it felt so good that I did three!
Yesterday I did 10 laps, with no break and today I did 14 laps, but with two breaks.
I'm doing my "marathon" lapping after I get up in the morning and before breakfast and therapy, which runs from 9:00-12:00.then I'll put in a few laps on my own in the afternoon.
And BTW, I'm off the oxygen since Friday (the 13th).
So it feels good to be returning to normal, whatever that is!
I'm still off chemo, primarily because my platelet level is still low. 140 (remember I don't understand the Medical communities numbering system) is normal and I'm hovering around 75-80...which is a damn site better than when I got down to 18 when I was in the hospital!
I went to see the the lung biopsy Doc a couple of days ago, and the mass that is in my right lung is still there, but the good news is that it is not malignant. They don't know what it is, or why its there, but it's part of the whole Organizing Pnuemonia gig. They don't seem terribly concerned about it, so neither am I.
I go to see my pulmonary Doc in a week or so and I'll learn more about it then.
My nose is running and I'm out of tissues, so we'll talk at you later.

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