Sunday, March 28, 2010

Looking ahead to tomorrow...

...and looking ahead to many tomorrows.

What a gorgeous day this was/is.

Went to church this morning and got fed, as usual, but got a little extra gravy on the mashed potatoes and an extra dollop of whipped cream on the blueberry pie when I was bear-hugged and kissed by a number of folk in response to their finding out about my "situation".

"Hey, yous guys!" I yelled silently, "I'm OK!"

And I really am!

Yeah, I have this thing called "cancer" but you know, I really feel fine...except for being tired all the time...but that's gone on for six or seven months, about as long as they figure I've had cancer.
So, if we meet for coffee don't be surprised if I order a quadruple shot latte or if we're gonna go somewhere I get an energy drink...I still drink and drive.

Tomorrow is the day when I go in for Chemo 101, i.e. 2 hrs worth of education about chemotherapy. I dang well better get a certificate of completion that I can give to Tammy, our Office Mgr here to RE/MAX Advanced, to put with all my other Continuing Education certificates.
After that I go directly into an office visit with my Oncologist Dude, a.k.a. Doctor, with whomst we're gonna figure out a schedule of what needs to happen here.
I already know that this coming Thursday I'm getting the port/shunt/whatever put in...same day my brother and sister roll into town to check on the oldest sibling.
Thenst, I be assuming at this point, the following week is when I start the chemo.
Perhaps that week, too, will find me at the University of Colorado Medical Center where we'll be talking 'bout (gulp...I so hate this word) harvesting some of my bone marrow.
Thenst sometime that will happen (they have these teeny little John Deere Tractors and Combines that they send into my bones using transistorized controls to properly and carefully take only the marrow without bruising the inside of my bone walls) and then I think I just complete out the 12 weeks of chemo, have them transplant the harvested marrow back into me and I'm ready to go!
Go where I dunno, but damnit I'll be ready.
I'll let you know how tomorrow goes...


  1. Pete.... Steve via Men's group forwarded this link for me. So sorry to hear of your Cancer diagnosis. Love your Blog... and always enjoy your spirit and honesty through lifes Joys and Sorrows.

    I'm with you buddy with the port thing, Chemo 101, and miriad of forthcoming thrills. Would love to sit with you through a chemo session if you'd like company from an 8 treatments/over 16 weeks and 6 weeks of daily radiation Breast Cancer survivor.

    As Gwen Licko says: Joyful in Hope, Patient in Affliction, and Faithful in Prayer (Romans 12, Hebrews 10)

    Peace be with you, Kris Savig
    30 month survivor

  2. Oh what a fabulous idea.....we need to talk so we can line up a time whne I can meet/pick u up and go to treatment with you.!! love ya!-Heather X. ps i dont want to intro myself as anonymous but i dont know how this thing works......
