Saturday, March 27, 2010

My new Adventure...

I see that over on the left beneath my picture I have noted that I only have one kneecap.
And that is true.
Thanks to a "little" fender bender in July of 1985 that damn near, and probably should have, killed me I lost that kneecap, the use of my left arm and was left with some cognitive defects (that I think I hide pretty well!), a gimp to my "get-along" and some stories to tell about drunk driving and how us drunk drivers don't always kill ourselves or other people but often do irreparable damage to ourselves.
Recovery from that was an adventure. Learning to walk again, living with an arm that was basically useless although the hand still functions, having a mind that doesn't always react to situations or problems correctly, and so adventure.

And then quitting drinking, or should I say stopping starting to drink(?)...
What an Adventure that was!
Wowsers...learning that I was absolutely under the influence of a power greater than myself, a spirit that was unleashed when I put alcohol in my body and made me do, say, think and act in abnormal ways which all really had an evil tint.
And learning that only by turning my will and my life over to the care of a different Spirit could I have a life worth living!
What a journey that was and is.

You know, that journey began some 23 years ago and I spend time in tears thinking about those 23 years and how I almost didn't get to have them.
I'm certainly not a rich dude. I'm quite sure that I would be classified as someone of modest means and that's's really okay. I have a wealth that cannot be measured and I'm beginning to discover the true nature of that wealth.
I know today, March 27, 2010. that my awareness of that wealth and the necessity of experiencing it's true nature began at about 3:32pm, March 17, 2010 when this Dr. told me that I had cancer.
Something called Myeloma.
Without clicking on the link, although if you are interested I would encourage you to click on it, what I have is bone marrow cancer.
Are you wondering about "my" prognosis?
Well, so was I!
I'll know more next week as I see him again and I'm going in with a list of questions, but as I remember from my initial serious meeting with him, I'm going to undergo 12 weeks of chemotherapy (and I'll learn more about that as I attend Chemo-101, a.k.a. Chemotherapy education, on Monday, and should that go well...and it will!!!...I will have a bone marrow transplant (they will transplant back into my my own bone marrow whcih they are going to...and I soooooooooooo hate this word...harvest in a couple of weeks.
And then I should have 5 years, or so...but I'm going with the "or so" and stretching that out a few more years.
You see, I'm 23 years sober but I soooo want to, and am going to be and celebrate being 30 years sober!
When that happens, will you come celebrate with me?

On March 17 I had no clue about this discovery search for wealth, a.k.a. adventure, or anything else.
I just lay in bed for a couple of days knowing that I was going to die, probably within a week and it was going to be painful and ugly.

Not that I'll ever drink again, but those couple of days were spent under the control/influence of a dark power who was relishing in my mental anguish and torture.
As I began to quit fighting with and being angry at God, a.k.a. the Power of Light that presides over us all I began to feel better.

Isn't that funny.
I wasn't fighting the Dark power who was delighting in my state of awfulness and who was trying to, and being successful at making me miserable...I was fighting with God and the Light.

As has happened to me once in a while, I get struck with a moment of clarity.

God didn't cause my cancer anymore than He caused my accident in 1985.

And I recovered from that accident and life has been an adventure ever since!

Someday I might tell you the specifics of my injuries and the mechanics of the recovery thereof as the result of being really drunk and driving my Ford Escort head on into a logging truck, but suffice it to say that it was a bad wreck and I nearly died (actually my heart quit on me three times!)

If I recovered from that, then certainly I have a damn good chance at recovering from this, "Huh."

I just need to keep focused on the Light...

One of the things that has just blown me away is the response by the people who know me to this "situation".
My colleagues at RE/MAX Advanced have rallied around me and offered to help me continue with my business s if nothing is wrong. I cannot be any more humbled and grateful as although I do have insurance it is not going to cover all of my expenses, so I will need to continue working and with and because of there tenderings of help I can.
That Society or Club that I belong to that consists of folks just like me who have solved, or are solving the drink problem have also banded together to make sure that I'm not going to have to go through this alone just like I didn't have to go through becoming a non-drinker alone. They don't like to talk about themselves or their "outfit" very much but if you ever wanted to find them they're listed in the very front of the phone's alphabetical you know.
My Church family is also there to hold me tight. Sometimes that's all that I need or want is to be held and I have declared for many years that men need to be held far more than women do and I get held tightly by the Evangelical Church of Fort Collins. Without that I would fall in a heartbeat.
And there are those who don't appear in any of those three categories but are close to me in ways that are unique and special and who, too, are offering assistance, hugs and love.

I am a blessed man.
I am beginning to appreciate the wealth that is mine.

There are too many of yous for me to keep in touch with individually about this whole thing and so I've chosen to set this blog up and I will post to it frequently of my Adventure.
Not that we won't touch bases personally, because we will, but this will be a vehicle keeping yous abreast of what's going on with me and will be a healing tool for me, no doubt.

If you are new to Blogging (as I pretty much am), just log in and I will try to set this up so that you can comment and write back.


  1. I Love You Pete Tippett and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your courage and your willingness to share this journey.

  2. My thoughts are with you...there is a Buddhist tradition called tonglen and I will practice it for you...the sending and taking; the receiving of your pain and sickness and the sending of healing and peace or whatever is necessary. Pema Chodron does a great job of explaining it in many of her books. You have been doing it for many years yourslf for everyone else.

  3. Wow, Pete, thanks for posting this. You will certainly be in my prayers. You are one of my "favorites" in our program. I have learned so much from you and always enjoy the knowledge and hope that you bring. I give you a big hug. We will get through this. If there is anything I can do to help please don't hesitate it ask!


  4. Best to you and I hope you know how much you're loved every step of the way in this process.

    Blessings and aloha...

  5. This blog is a great idea, Pete. Perhaps therapeutic for you and informational for those of us who care so much for you. You have an impressive team behind you, so just let us know when you need us to step in. I send special love to you this week as you start the ugly process of healing.

  6. Mr. Pete Tippet,

    My God it is good to hear from you, even considering the news that your email brought.

    I wish I could make it back to Colorado one day. Right now it seems like God wants me to stay here in Everett and pay my bills. I saw Joe G. and Lee C. last weekend. Not many around here anymore from the generation that was here when I got sober.

    I too am familiar with the practice of tonglen and will practice it as well for you.

    Much Love,

  7. Pete! What in the hell? I am so upset about this, but life is life, and we will head into this "adventure" head on! The power of prayer, and hope, and all "the Light stuff", really IS powerful. I have seen it first hand. You were the keystone in helping me when I was hopeless, and I will ALWAYS be there for you. Don't EVER forget. Stay with the Light. Coffee soon! I will call you!

  8. Pete--
    Thanks for sharing your story. Let me know if you need rides to/from chemo, or someone to sit with you or read stories to you or make you eat healthy or whatever! We love you and are trusting God for an exciting recovery!

    Frances Way

  9. Pete,
    I was aghast at the news when David told me yet I new how you love to persevere and smiled knowing
    God in his great love would be with you all the way. You will see his hand upon you as your many friends reach out to lend support. I want to be one of those and so rides, telling jokes or prayer is right up my alley. Your attitude is amazing and rightly so since you know the King of Light, Jesus!

    Can't wait to see you!


    Annie Everitt

  10. Pete,
    You are near and dear to the hearts of many more than you know. I am glad you have chosen to share with others. Remember the herd...we don't have to do anything alone. The Freedles love you and have faith that God will continue to Be and Do in you. We'll talk more soon.
    Shannon, Lorraine, Ryan and Jelly

  11. Happy Passover! from your friend of over thirty years; you thrive on challenges ... just keep writing & getting better....(do I hear screenplay?)
    all the best from Reno,
