Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Please excuse the brevity of this entry but I think I have to run home and get Rosie because at 1:30 I'm having a PetScan!?!
Okay, bad joke.
I'd never actually heard of a PetScan until now. I guess it's like a CatScan on steroids and it looks for other tumors that may be lurking inside of me somewhere.
This morning I had to go to Poudre Valley Hospital and Pre-Admit myself for surgery on Thursday when they will "install" the port which will in turn allow for friendly chemo treatment without having to tear up the veins in my arms, etc.
Thursday will be a fun day...an Adventuresome day!
First, although it's not until 12:30 or so, I'll have the surgery and they ae going to put me under....yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huh, you query?
If'n you're an ol' surgery vet like I am you've come to love "99".
And what's "99" you ask?
Wellst, what they do is get you all hunkered down and comfy for the upcoming surgery and they ask you if you want a blanket.
Well the blanket has nothing to do with "99", but they keep those operating rooms at about -24 degrees Fahrenheit, so "Yeah, I want a blanket!"
So after the blankie is in place they start to 'splain the anesthetic process to you and you just nod and grunt in the affirmative that you understand and the anesthecician does a couple of side-straddle-hops (cuz he's cold too!) and sits down and takes a deep breath, checks out the already in place IV and then tells you to count back from 100.
"100, Niiiiiinnnnetyyyyyyyyniiiiiiiii,,,oblivian."
That nano-second of "99" is wonderful x 10!!!!!
Just got back from my PetScan...thanks Cindy for the ride!
Twas painless and I actually got to sleep trough most of it!

So, methinks I'm gonna go home, fix myself a couple of fried egg sandwiches (that came to me during the PetScan) and just relax. I've had a lot of drama go on around the home homestead lately and I believe it should be peaceful tonight.

As a good friend of mine salutes...

"Peace and Love"

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