Monday, April 5, 2010

My how time flies when your'e having Cancer!!!

Whelst, holy kow, it's Monday April 5th and I, who promised to myself at least to blog nearly every day through this "Adventure" have already slipped up! It's Monday the 5th, I think, not Thursday the 1st (or thereabouts)!
I think I left off with the PetScan looming...
Holy RadioActive Kow what a trip and after trip that was...
I had gleaned that a PetScan was just really a CatScan on sterioids so wasn't really tooooo concerned.
So, thanks to Cindy, one of my angels in this trek, I made it to the PetScan place on time.
Not gonna be too different than any of the other appointments or pending procedures I'm having...I thought.
Now, understand that when I say, "I thought" that is encompassing thoughts, conceptions and ideas present, past and future...some of which are coloured from old acid trips and going through too many windshields head first.
First of all I was lead away from Cindy and the ambiance of the waiting room into a "pre-procedure" room.
There this nubile young phlebotomist/IV trained gal came in and using "it's gonna all be okay" language soon had me hooked up to a pigtail IV and sort of glided out of the room with this sparkling radiant smile announcing that Jordache would soon be in.
Well, I didn't pay too much attention, nor was there or us there any particular reason to query who or wht "Jordache" was, I just assumed that he would s\administer the rest of the PetScan, which he did and admirably so.
Just mere moments expired between the lil' phlebotomist debarking and the door openning and in walked Jordache...I think/thought.
Jordache made a grand entrance wearing a complete Haz-Mat outfit...
It was only then tht I realized het there had been a Radio-active Placard on the door when I had entered this room!!!
Without lifting up his Haz-Mat mask he effectuated a peasant and professional greeting and went directly to he box sitting next to me that I had not noticed before, even with with it having a large yellow Radio-Active decal plastered on all sides including the lid.
He carefully lifted the lid all the while making appropriate guy-type small talk and then, with his gloves on...yes, those big anti-aircraft gloves managed to unscrew the tops to the IV tubes, also placarded Radio-Active, and screw them into the IV pigtail and push the fluid it. He did this with three or four "loads" in each arm (actually I think there was just one arm and one, maybe two loads).
He also very carefully, almost daintily unscrewed them when done and then turned to leave walking out the door with a salute,if you will, rising of the mask.
I was impressed and felt honored.
Moments later the lil' IV chick came in and told me I needed to sit for 45 minutes while the radioactive junque (which was/is to settle down in any other tumorous places in my body) settled in.
So I sat for the 45 minutes and then she came back int the Radio-Active room and led me out,without benefit of Haz-Mat protection for either of us and then, ever so professionally, lay me down in the Cat-Scan Wannabe machine and with all then professional ado at her muster covered up my torso and then for the next 45 minuted the CatScan Wannabee machine did it's thing a hummed it's way up and down the lower part of my body. The hum put me to sleep.
Afore I knew it I was gently awakened and my body lower part was covered and the procedure was reversed and again, I slept.
Woke up, Cindy was there, went and got a Vitamin Water and that was the end of the day, I think.

Next post dealing with the after effects of PetScan coming soon!

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