Monday, April 5, 2010

PetScan Aftermath...

... Well, nobody told me there would be after-effects of the Pet
Scan and nobody apparently knew of the one I would have!
Seems I got the PetScan on Wednesday and then got my Port put in on Thursday and then had my first Chemo treatment on Friday and the second one today...
But this here'n blog shall deal with the PetScan aftershocks...
I can't "blame" what was to happen as the result of the Port Placement because it just doesn't make any sense...
Now it's Thursday and b=my brother Kevin is in town. My sister can't make it cuz she's got the Iowa form of the crud and doesn't want to make the trip for both our sakes, but she will soon, probably and hopefully with youngest son (29?) in tow.
It's funny how the Universe works because Stacey had planned a sojourn through Ft. Collins with Andy on the way to Albuquerque to check out where he'd be working next and planned that trip before we knew of my 1985, the year I had my wreck which was a horrible year for
Stacey in that Andy Was diagnosed with leukemia...but he beat it!

I just got a phone call from the PetScan people and they want to do another one and I ai't real pleased about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The reaction that I had to the PetScan...and I know it was to the PetScan they are saying has/had never happened before.
They are calling my Oncologist to schedule another one.


What happened was, that Friday morning when I awoke after a totaly ruined sleep, ruined by an inability to move around or roll over because my ankles and knees were rusting up and becoming intolerable to move, at all.
Kevin woke me up to get me to my 1st Chemo app and I was 2 hours late because I could no get dressed.
Finally I was able to get myself into a pair of those new fangled combination sweat pants/pajama bottoms and hemo Treatment. Twas funny that when we go there the only wheelchair he could find, cuz there was no way I could walk was a toy wheelchair I'm sure left outside by somebody whose 3-ear old had outgrown it.

We got me in and settled up in the chair and the 1st go round of chemo was 6 hrs or something but that was okay because I could sleep,,,my joints only hurt when I moved them so sitting still was okay to doze off.

The chemo must have actually acted as a retardent to the pain because as the day went on the pain diminished.

Saturday.......ah, a day of relaxation. No Dr's, no chemo, no pain!

And what a relief and pleasure in that Kevin and I got to go have dinner with Doug who had arranged for us, including my Sister to have a "reunion" dinner while she was out, but although that didn't happen a wonderful sharing of victuals was had nonetheless.

Doug's one of my Bud's what has appeared an angel in my life over the past 15 years or so and continues to show up at the right time at the right place.
He and I have had lunch on Thursdays for the pas 15 or 16 years and I bet haven't missed 15 of those engagements over the years.
And ya oughta see the tote bag that his wife Pam made for me!!!
3-07-87 embroidered on the handle, eagle feathers on the body next to some very important prose!
Wowsers, Pam! Thanks!

OK, I need to run with Sarah Bennet, Prez of the Board of Realtors over to see Clint, CEO or some such of the Board of Realtors o talk about S.H.O.P. (Sensible Housing Opportunity Project).
We ain't giving' up on this Real Estate stuff!!!

May we make three blogs in one day?

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