Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's Party Time!!!!!


This whole chemo scheduling schtick sucks because it changes and "they" work on "cycles" yet try to explain it in weeks and so I get all confused but other than one Twilight Zone episode where I was just late I haven't missed a session.

But I begin a 10 day chemo free period now...hey, my own Spring break!!!

This having cancer thing is becoming easier to talk about. Maybe not easier to explain, but easier and at times, strangely, almost fun to talk about.

Having cancer has changed my whole outlook and attitude on some things, and maybe on all things.

Like life and death.

Books have been written, movies and documentaries filmed and archived about life and death but as with dang near everything a person has to experience something in order to gain experience and understanding in and about "it."

And you know, I ain't dying...I don't think so and nobody has come out and told me I am, although there have been hints that cancer is a little more lethal than the common cold.
But even though I'm not "officially" dying, there is an element of awareness that hangs on and around, sort of like the cloud on that Peanuts character, Linus is it?

OK, I'm "sick" and perhaps this will be a terminal situation, although I truly doubt it, but what is dying going to be like and what will death be like?

Oh, and BTW, please spare me the well meaning but clichetic and hurtful, "Well, nobody get's out alive you know, Pete ", and "We just don't know when our time is up. Might get run over by a bus on the way home tonight, you know."
Well meaning as the thoughts may be, they rip me to the core.

Anywho, what will dying be like?
I have had the privilege of being in the company of a few people when they went home, and at the moment of "passing" there was a peace about them but maybe more noticeable was a peace about the presence of them. It was as if the air in the room was changing from stale to fresh. If I may borrow words from a Friend of mine, "It was as if a wind of spirit, not of air that filled the room."

What will "death" be like?
Ain't experienced it yet and at present ain't takin' reservations.
But I have my beliefs,as sophomoric as they may be.
And as I believe our "lives" are powered by spirit, and one cannot secularly see, touch, smell, taste or otherwise tactfully sense spirit...although one can feel spirit, my spirit will adios to someplace called Heaven and I can look up my mom & dad and say things to them that I never got to express when they were still alive.
Dang that drinkin' thing.

But dyin' isn't all that occupies my mind these days.
Livin' actually holds first bill.
And righ now I'm on such a high, call it maybe euphoria over not having to have chemo for the next ten days and therefore not having to deal with, I hope, the exhaustion thing I can enjoy the nice weather...or the not nice weather if it turns.
Maytbe I can put the tv remote away the books on the nightstand and get back to the office some more and experience the aura there (which is now and always has been wonderful), check in with some folks that have sent me good wishes (If'n I don't get to you, please don't think that i'm ignoring you....pleeeeeeze!), and enjoy life!
Anybody wanna go get a Ben & Jerry's Coffee, Coffee Buzzz, Buzz, Buzz in a chocolate waffle cone?
Life is magnificent and thank you for making it that way for me!


  1. I was thinking that maybe that birthday you were talking about might mean another trip to Colorado. When it gets close to it will you remind me?

    Hugs from your friend Gwen

  2. Which Birthday we talkin' bout.
    I turned 23 on March 7, and I'll turn 62 On Sept. 10th...

  3. clichetic? cliche chic? she chic shriek? how about instead of a cliche, john donne's meditation, I wouldn't know how to improve on it:
    No man is an island,
    Entire of itself.
    Each is a piece of the continent,
    A part of the main.
    If a clod be washed away by the sea,
    Europe is the less.
    As well as if a promontory were.
    As well as if a manner of thine own
    Or of thine friend's were.
    Each man's death diminishes me,
    For I am involved in mankind.
    Therefore, send not to know
    For whom the bell tolls,
    It tolls for thee.

  4. Thanks, but I ain't ready to do any diminishin'...yet!

  5. the point is any death in humanity is something that diminishes those of us left holding the tamales, knucklehead!

  6. Not a big fan of 'bout burritos?
