Saturday, April 24, 2010

I'M P***ed!!

I always thought that people who had cancer got skinny!
Dang it, anyway,,,cuz since I've had this I've gained 15 pounds!
I belong to this Fellowship that has taught me that I can figure out things that used to baffle me, and I've got this gaining weight thing figured out and it's all your fault!
I'm eating better than perhaps I ever have. You folks have sooooooo graciously dropped off food, whether I was home or not, at the office, at church and taken me out for lunch and/or breakfast and/or dinner and I adore you for it!
I asked my Doc about it and he said it had something to do with the steroids I take before each chemo treatment, but I told him he was wrong just as he is going to be wrong about my probable diagnosis.
He tells me, and the research I've done backs him up, that the type of cancer I have is incurable and statistics say that with successful treatment and therapy I'll have 5 years...but heck, he doesn't know who he's dealing with.
I conquered alcoholism, which is generally considered fatal and I know that more people die of alcoholism than they do Multiple Myeloma, the cancer that I have.
Ain't I special? I gots Multiple Myeloma, not just Singular Myeloma!
I was talking to my boss lady the other day and something came up about my general attitude towards this whole "thing" and I told her that it came from that outfit that has given me a new life for 23 years and has indeed changed my whole attitude about life and the world around me.
I'm not supposed to, in print, radio, films or the internet tell you what outfit I belong to,,,so I won't. But if you ever want to get a hold of it for any reason, it's alphabetically way up front in the phone book!
Yesterday I had my first chemo after my layoff and it leveled me. It zapped my energy, gave me a raging headache that wouldn't go away even with the pain pills they've given me (which I hadn't taken any yet...they're for bone pain which hasn't afflicted me yet, and with my smart ass attitude, won't) and made me really goofy in a way that is really hard to explain.
But today I woke up after a good nights sleep and have and am experiencing a euphoria that they told me would only come after my 3rd chemo treatments...followed by a mental crash which I did experience in my first cycle.
I still have a cycle caused from my drinking. I took large "doses" of Midol for my hangovers, which were frequent and even though I ain't touched a drop for over 23 years every 28 days I get a little irritable and my ankles swell...try 'splainin' that to the docs!

Thanks for listenin' and being a part of my therapy and this recovery.


  1. Hi Pete,
    Been thinking of you here in Southern California -- went on a desert wildflower walk and looked for the anti-multiple myeloma plant but didn't channel it this time. As the windsurfers say -- ATTITUDE is EVerything, and you've got that in your pocket. Sending you desert energy.


  2. Thanks...maybe a few years ago some of your ATTITUDE being EVerything rubbed off on me!
