Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Late at night...

You know, I've done a fair amount of complaining about lying awake at night and I haven't been really fair to somebody.
When things get tough at night I call up my friend Abby and we talk.
Much like my talks with the Carpenter Man and His Dad at night, these conversations with Abby are not monologues on my part, they're a dialog between two who have endured similar "issues" and who have endured those issues with dignity and a compassion for others as they suffered through what they had to go through in order to make sure that what they needed to go through didn't go to waste.
You know, as it is daytime at the moment and I ponder all this, I'm pretty durn sure that it was Abby who very quietly put the idea on my heart and in my mind that I, too, shouldn't let this go to waste
Thanks Abby!
I have some very special people who have been put in my life and they have been put in my life for a reason.
You are one of those folks and I soooooooo appreciate that you are.
Just cuz I might not take time out to blog about you or e-mail you, or call you, or drop by or walk down the hall to acknowledge you doesn't mean that you are any less important to me or don't put things in/on my heart or my mind like Abby, cuz I'm sure you do!
But just like it took me a while to discover Abby's message, it sometimes/oft times will take me a while to realize your message.


  1. So Pete, as I lie awake tonight I will think about you lying awake and although the reasons for the awakeness?? are different it still connects us on that wonderful spiritual plane don't you think?? Keep trudging my friend and try not to let the fear block the sunlight of the Spirit..Love ya!!

  2. Pete: I think your blog efforts are a real treat for you and for your readers. And, as of now, and my 24 years of sobriety, I have a series of comments based on your report: (1) When I was new in A.A., I never thought I could make it. But the "wisdom of the rooms" produced some crutches. One was: Dick, Alcoholics can have fun. And I did. One was: This too shall pass. And it did. One was: We are not doormats. And we aren't. One was: Burnsie, you're making it; and I did. One was: Why don't you set up a bleecher for all the sponsees you are bring to these meetings. But I didn't. (2) Once I began to realize the wisdom of the rooms was far from enough even though it had sustained me in those early moments. And then two messages came to me and changed my life at about 8 plus months: (3) An old dude in my Bible fellowship kept calling me every day in my suite at the VA nuthouse. It was long distance, and he really couldn't afford it; but he called daily anyway and listened to my whining. Finally, he said: Dick, why don't you stop trying to program your life and let God guide you. And I did. He then added: Dick, read the story of Peter walking on the water. And I did. I thought only Jesus belonged to that club. But Peter did too. However, first, when Jesus said "come," Peter believed and walked. Then Peter noticed the wind and the waves and became afraid and sank. It took Jesus to lift him out. (4) The final message came to me in prison. A lady in our Bible fellowship sent me a note and said, "Never give up." And I didn't. Then in the last moments in county jail, I was in a small cell with a nut and a toilet that was overflowing and busted. I pulled out my daughter-in-law's "thank you" list. And it said, "Be thankful that you are in jail and not having to answer the phone all the time as you complained about in your law office." And I thanked God for all He had done, and asked Him in the name of Jesus Christ to supply all my need. Next thing I knew, the nut in my cell said that he was a plumber. He fixed the toilet. And I laid down on the concrete floor--completely at peace--and realized that God's power and presence were always available wherever I might be. Now--out here in Hawaii,they still are. Hang in there, brother. It's not about the sunlight of the spirit. It's about placing all your trust in Almighty God, thanking Him, and believing He will take care of you. And He will. God Bless, Dick
