Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Twilight Zone...

Just figured out that I put the wrong date on my voice mail message this morning!!
Maybe(?) it's got something to do with my "Twilight Zone" episode yesterday. I had a ride lined up to take me to Chemo @ 9:00am, but it didn't happen so I decided I'd drive my self which in and of itself is okay, but it sometimes is not the wisest thing for me to drive my self home. Anywho, prior to finding out that I'd be driving myself I had gotten up early, and by 7:30 had made and consumed my protein shake (It still seems strange to be putting anything in my stomach that early in the day.) along with my 10, yes count them, and I do, ten steroid pills and I was ready to kill, kill, kill!
So i did my morning routine shower, teeth, make bed and headed out the door and triumphantly drove myself to chemo.
I walked in, head held high and chest out and something was different...there were way more people in the waiting room than usual, and their clock said 10:00am. My first thought was I was putting my life in th hands of people who didn't even know how to obey Daylight Savings Laws! The receptionist was not at her desk so I sat ready to unleash the most polite verbal assault I could
when I looked at my watch which also said 10:00!?!?!
So, somehow I skipped an hour and I had no clue how that happened.
As it turned out I, some time later, remembered that in the middle of the night, a restless night as may are these adays, I had opted to change the alarm time an hour to snag a few more zzzz's. Wellst, what I did on my super technologically advanced alarm clock was mysteriously in the dead of night switched time zones...
So, going by it being accurate I was off an hour.
Had more to write about a different subject but will get around to that nextsoon.
Thanks to all of you for your thoughts, prayers, e-mails, blog responses and caring...it might not show but I love you, too.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pete. Thank you for your wonderful example. I know it can't be easy and perhaps during those sleepless nights your attitude ain't so positive, and that is ok. I spent the weekend surrounded by the fellowship at an assembly and you need to know that you are always with me at those functions. You are and always will be my favorite service mentor and I always cherish your humility and wisdom. Thank you for continuing to teach me how it works!!!
    Love ya
