Saturday, September 25, 2010

Back to the report(s) of my demise being greatly exaggerated...

Hi there,
   My how time flies when you are having fun?!?...
   I am now a day short of being in my transitional housing down here to Denver and it. as has been the case with virtually everything since we started on this Adventure has not been quite what I expected.
   I have been back to the hospital every day since I got here and those trips average 2-4 hours and thy exhaust me.
   I was told that fatigue and exhaustion would be companions for a while after the transplant (A month ago today!!!) but I had no idea how dang near debilitating "it" would be...and I am going to use that as an excuse, no let's make that reason for not blogging and returning e-mails. Another reason would be that my phone went belly up and that was my lifeline for not just phone calls, but texts and e-mails. I'm not back up and running yet, but we're getting there. Max borrowed me a T-Mobile Blackberry but I've had a devil of a time getting it to work although I now can make and receive calls but texts and e-mails are still on the horizon.
   Anywho, my sister Stacey left about an hour or so ago to go back to Iowa after being my caregiver and babysitter for a week and just handed me off to Bonnie who now gets to, with my permission take over many of the aspects of running my life for me and then in a couple of day I'll get handed off to someone else and that will be the case until I get back home to Fort Collins which I hope will be in a week or 10 days!
   I didn't know, nor was I told or prepped (on purpose which was probably a good thing) that the worst "period" of recovery from the transplant would be post transplant...and it has.
   I wound up in ICU for a couple of days after going through a brief period of, "I can't do this any more. Just take me home, please?".
   That's about as low as I've ever gotten in my whole life but I appreciate all of you who kept the faith and prayers up while I was unable to.
   That's a really scary place when you just, "give up" and want it to be all over. I never though I would be there, but I got there and in hindsight I can see how it wasn't me who pulled me through.
   As with most parents, there comes a time when your kid(s) become your reason for living even if you can't logistically be close to them and that's where I have been for a loooooong time now, like decades.
   And to have Matt show up just when I'm at the depths of despair was nothing more than a supernatural event...thanks, Dad.
   I already regret not blogging through a lot of those times because this vehicle will become part of my journal and part of my autobiography, "I Don't Do Rough Drafts."
   And a lot of what I need to remember is not how "bad" the "bad" was/is, but how I really did get through it and that tomorrow will really be better than today and how an artesian well of love and support sprung from seemingly no where and that through this whole ordeal I was never alone...ever.
   I'm gonna get off this incredibly uncomfortable chair now and move over to the recliner and rest...gee, I've got it rough don't I?
   I'm back in ouch...thanks!

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