Saturday, September 18, 2010

Reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated!

Hi there!
I'm not gonna detail th lat couple of weeks in this's late and I don't remember some of it!
Going to ICU was a real experience; having Matt show up just as I was getting serious about just cuttin' loose and "going home" certainly could be called a miracle; having people come visit me and having absolutely no recollection of them being here; being told I could get discharged and having no place to go to until I/we just gave that dilemma to God and He took care of it; having my hopes of getting discharged dashed after being told on two occasions I was given a date for discharge...the latest being tomorrow (Sunday the 19th at noon) that I'm holding my breath to make if I have anything to say about it...happens.
We'll talk tomorrow and I'll update you...and me...!


  1. you and samuel clemens! My favorite quote from him: "always tell the truth, that way you don't have to remember what you said"

  2. Pete, Pete, Pete! Glad you are doing better. You sure are missed up here. I know you are well cared for, if you need anything, give me a holler.


  3. Hi Pete,
    Vicky and I want to come see you. Church is not the same without your presence. No one to give a hard time to. Know that our prayers are with you and we love you lots. Let me know when you are up for a visit!!!!!!

  4. So Good to Hear from You!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Keep Trudging my Friend.
    Love You
