Thursday, September 9, 2010

Update (by Doug)

Your prayers & well wishes mean so much to Pete - PLEASE continue to keep him in your prayers and thoughts as he journeys through a difficult phase of treatment.

As he last reported, the days leading up to his stem cell infusion caused some cognitive problems due mostly to the high chemo doses he was subjected to.

His stem cell infusion (8/25/10) procedure went very well - although side effects occurred immediately thereafter (an expected outcome).  Within just a day or so, Pete developed additional health concerns which have taken time to control and manage (he was completely immune-compromised and highly susceptible to infection until regeneration of cells began).

This part of treatment has been extremely difficult on Pete, leaving him unable to communicate with you via normal means (cell, email, blog, etc.).  Additionally, fatigue and other issues have "robbed him" of the desire to do so too.  Hence, one purpose of this post.

His siblings have travelled to Denver over the Labor Day weekend and are with him now as he moves forward in the treatment program.  We feel his basic needs are being met at this time and would request visitations be "put on hold" until further notice.  We should await Pete's "green light" to resume those visits.

His medical team at UCH have been superb ... he is receiving the best medical attention & treatment options associated with MM.  I can't express my gratitude deeply enough for the care, professionalism, love & quick actions displayed by staff on the 11th Floor and all associated with the BMT program.

At this time, his treatment plan consists of arresting the health concerns plaguing him and we anticipate that his eventual discharge to convalesce in an apartment near UCH will occur before month's end.  Regeneration of cells was detected this week - a huge step in the right direction!!

His spirit remains strong despite all the tribulations he has faced in recent days - and much of that is due in no small part to the many, many friends who continue to pray for his speedy recovery.  Thanks!


  1. Thank you, Doug, for posting on Pete's behalf.

    Pete, may this birthday be marked by the "birth" of new cells (come on cells! keep regenerating!). I hope you rest well today. You should see how many Happy Birthday posts you have on Facebook! Lots of people are wishing you well and sending their love. Hang in there you tough old geezer. Happy birthday.
    love - kimmer

  2. Thank you Doug for this post...being in Canada I am unable to follow as closely as I would like, but certainly Pete is never far from my thoughts and prayers!! Here's to many more birthdays for Pete and Yes to the regeneration of the cells!! Thank you again for making this post!!!

  3. yes, glad to hear an update, sorry to hear about the cognitive issues going on with one of the sharpest tacks I have known... please keep us posted and let pete know he is surrounded by love and light.

