Monday, June 6, 2011

Bad day...Good day

This not so good picture is my, "I've had a not so good day".
I went to Denver to the nUniversity Hospital for my monthly checkup which went almost extremely well.
The almost is divided up into two things...or maybe more, but I don't remember any more than two at present.

#1 I got a great check up in Denver, even if I didn't see Dr. Myint in person. The Physician Assistant, who gave me her name and I knew her from my stays in the hospital down there butn Chemo Brain is kicking in and I can't remember her name, went over my blood work and most of it was excellent. The Myeloma markers...whatever they are, but it doesn't matter...arre right where they hoped they would be and they are surprised that they are still "in check" because I haven't had any chemo for a while. They would like to get me back on chemo, but they can't/won't because my platelet level isn't where it should be. Normal platelet level is 140 and today mine was 60, It's bounced around a bunceh. A couple of weeks ago it was 85. When I was in the hospital a couple of months ago it was toying with being in the twenties!
I asked her what I could do or eat to bring my platelet level up and she told me something in laymen terms that I could understand(!). Platelets are made by bone marrow and because I've had so much going on since Thanksgiving, or so, my body had a decision to make...fight what was going on, Organizing Pneumonia, C-diff, head healing from falling down, fevers, and so my bone marrow, still reeling from the transplant, could have worked on "building" platelets but it chose to fight whatever was going on, or a combination thereof.
So, that's why the emphasis on getting me healthy.

#2 I was gone this afternoon when it came time to decide what I wanted for dinner. Times before when I did that, whatever was served to me (I choose to eat in my eat in the dininng roommis just too depressing) was palatable +. The food here has been exceptional as compared to airplanem or typical hospital food.
Anywho, tonight they brought the bowl of tomato soup, potato chips and four 1/2 slices of bread that is in the bad picture above.
I called Jimmy John's across the street and had them deliver a Tuna Sub Sandwich.

The good part of the day was the excellent check up, less the platelets and that I got to drive myself to and from Denver!

I'll get to adios here when the C-diff is gone. One of the nurses here told me about an over the counter that would help in making the C-diff go away, I'm taking the prescribed meds to make it go awy, and I'm just wishing it to go away.

I think I'll be home soon!

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