Monday, October 18, 2010

It's kinda good to be gettin' settled in...

It really is.
There's a lot more to it, however, than I imagined!
I thank and pray for blessings for all the people who attended to my house both inside and outside whilst I was gone. And it would appear that some, or all of them were a bit more detailed than I. It took me 4 days to find my coffee pot!
Sleeping in my bed again was/is mahvelous! I'm still having seeping problems that came home with me from the hospital but we're working on that...
I've settled into both an acceptance of and the reality of having to have chemo for the next three years.
"Next three years", you ask.
Well, so did I.
But I got reminded that Multiple Myeloma is an incurable (for now) type of cancer so the present goal is to put me in and to keep me in a state of forced remission for the long haul. It seems that with all the chemo they can't, short of really killing me, adios all the Myeloma cells and so their will always be some lurking round and so we're fighting a "stand-off" battle ad infinitum.
So, once a week I go in for chemo and twice a week I go in for labs, a.k.a. blood letting, to monitor what be going on.
And once every other week, ad infinitum, I go down to Denver for a check in/up with my Oncologist down there.
But that all is really a small price to pay, if'n you catch my drift.

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