Sunday, October 31, 2010

Waaaaaaaaa...but it could happen to anybody?

...probably not anybody.
Friday I was over at a
friend's house gathering with a bunch of guys (and one gal) who used to drink to much and when the gathering was over I stood up, took two steps forward, got bubbly light headed and down I went...soooooooo reminiscent of one time prior and early in my chemo recovery that the same thing would happen.
At that time the Drs. came up that one of my meds was an alpha blocker and what it would do was upon standing up my blood pressure would go in the tank an down I would go.
That was probably in June and it hasn't happened until recently................
..............time to fess has happened a couple of times since I got home from the hospital and prior to this "episode" on Friday, but at home.
I was able to get myself up which is different than the previous "episodes" that happened when I couldn't get myself up and needed help..."Help, I've fallen and I can' get up!", so I just blew them off as I dunno what.
Now I have to come clean and call/tell my Drs.
It hasn't happened since I quit taking the med which contained an alpha blocker so I dunno...

So anywho, this last fall on Friday caused me to wrench my bad knee pretty good. As I was going down I heard/felt a ripping sound in both my ankles and both my knees but i was able to lie there, take a couple of breaths, refuse any help getting up...I might fall but I'm not a wimp(?!?) and I can get myself up... .
Both my ankles and my knees had an ache after I got up and when I got home it seemed to be gone.
So I watched some mindless TV and then went to bed. I like going to bed now because I've been sleeping the night through...except for a potty break because my labs have shown that I'm still not hydrated enough so I'm drinking a lot, of water and juice(!).
So, I awoke at straight up 3:00 and went to roll over to get out of bed and OUCH!
Holy sharp pain in my bad knee, Batman!
It was 3:00 in the morning and I had to pee really bad so I hobbled/hopped to the bathroom and back and sat on the edge of the bed and pondered the situation.
I took a couple of Extra Strength Tylenol, lifted my bad leg with the bad knee up on to the bed and tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't find a comfortable position for my leg/knee so I sorta dozed, kinda.
Saturday I spent mosta the day in my chair reading and watching TV.
Connie, one of God's Agents came over and flushed my ports, yeah I'm still getting chemo and labs thru them so they need to be flushed every other day, and fashioned an ice pack out of a Zip-Lock bag and ice cubes...duh? Ice for pain and swelling?
Cindy, another one of God's Agents who has gotten me to this point in my/our(?) adventure came over to walk Rosie and dug my walker out of the garage...duh! I have a walker? which gave me some mobility.
Last night wasn't too bad and Gregg...yes, another one of God's Agents...came and took me to church where both of us had an "Aha" moment!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll speak of that when the times come and maybe blog/write about it later.

And speaking of "write about it latet, I really need to get started on re-fashioning my real estate self, so I best get goin' on that.
Peter Procrastinator needs to get to work...

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