Saturday, May 15, 2010

3days ago and the day before yesterday...

Sorry 'bou this but it might sound a lil' whiney...

Okay, I said I'd splain' (that's how it was suppose to be spelled) Wednesday and Thursday as being progressively the worst days I've had, but 'member things are more better now, sorta.

Wednesday, 5/13...This has happened to me a couple of times before, but not to the degree it did on Thursday. I was feeling pretty good (9 or so days off Chemo). I did Thursday things and the last thing I needed to do for the day was come into the office and finish up a few items on my "punch list" for my closings on Friday. I left somewhere, can't 'member now, and don't know whether to blame that on Chemo-brain or Wineheimers, but as I was driving to the office I felt this wave of exhaustion come over me.
I think I've said that this is a physical exhaustion coupled with not necessarily a tiredness but a severe case of short term memory loss and mush-brain.
Twas 3:00-4:00ish and I parked in the handicap parking spot right in front of the front door here to RE/MAX Advanced (Yes, I'm qualified, have the placard and am up for rent being it shopping or Rockies Games...) and just sat for about 15 minutes just trying to put the pieces together so I could open the car door and walk in.
I finally did the proper physical and mental mustering and walked in. As coincidence would have it Fran, my Boss Lady. was in the reception area and took one look at me and with all the sternness at her command said, "SIT DOWN!", grabbed my arm, noticed I was shaking, and said, "What the hell are you doing here?". Well, being respectively intimidated by her I told her and she said, "I'll take care of it. Stay put." She then proceeded, well actually it was  little later, to talk me into letting her attend my closings and I talked her into letting me drive myself home.
When I got home that bout of exhaustion wouldn't go away as it usually does, but...and this'll sound strange...I fought it off and got to sleep around 1:00am and had a great nights/morning sleep.
So now it is Thursday and I had a checkup appointment with Dr. McFarland, by Ft. Collins Oncologist and during that session I mentioned to him that my right wrist hurt. We talked briefly about why and I didn't know or remember hurting it. Well, because he'd heard some gurgling in my lungs grabbed an order form and ordered me up some X-Rays. He also called my GP, Dr. Cranor to see if he couldn't squeeze me in to check my wrist out after the X-Rays.
My two primary Care Givers, Doug and Cindy had accompanied me to the Dr.s office and as it worked out, Thursday almost being our (Doug and my standing lunch date...we've been having lunch on Thursdays for the better part of 15 years!) lunch time and my x-ray appt. at PVH being "walk in" we went and had lunch thenst wenst to PVH.
Every thing...up to now...going okay and I'm feeling fine.
Wellst, whilst I;m in X-Ray, Ruth from Dr. Cranor's office calls me and queries me about my wrist and scurries off to talk to Dr. Cranor and calls me back and tells me that he has set up a 3:00 appointment with Dr.Nelson, an Orthopod type Dr..
Oh, okay.
So I go to the office and do a couple of things and then scoot home to "powder my nose", as for some idiotic reason I would rather do that at home at present because of a "procedure" that I now have to go through to do that.
So home and I begin to "powder" and I'm "powdering" what appears to me to be pure blood.
Well, I race off to the Orthopods office and on the way there call Gregg and ask him to call my Urologist, because I didn't have his # programmed into my Blackberry...remember when I said, "Gawd, yous guys are amazing!" Gregg fits in there and is right up at the top.
So, anywho he calls me back and says they can either see me promptly at 3:30 or I should go to the ER.
So I take up 8 minutes and 24 seconds of Dr. Nelson's time and he wants to give me some anti-inflammatories but wants to check with my host of other Drs. first.
Tis' okay with me and I race across town and get to My Urologists office at 3:37 and penguin hobble as best I can into his office, only to be told to have a seat cuz they's backed up...
Now mind you, I think I'm dyin', not of cancer but I'm gonna bleed out here (I've heard that term recently concerning me so I think I'm granted that worry.).
So anywho, I get in relatively quickly and get sent home with a permanent/temporary invasive fix.
The permanent fix, which I've known about for a while, is a prostate and accompanying tubes rotor-rooter job, but like getting a new knee I can't have any surgeries while I'm under going chemo.
The permanent/invasive fix hurt like h*** going in and although not to that extent as I write, it still hurts. Especially when sitting down, standing up or walking.
Hey, but as with the previous "procedure" that I had to do, which I don't now because of this apparatus, I don't have to get up six or seven times during the night to "Powder my nose."


Yes, a little but NOT!

I am so flippin lucky that we have the medical community and their expertises!!!
If it were 10 years ago with the Myeloma that I have, after diagnosis I probably would have been sent home and told, "Rest easy, take plenty of fluids (which soon would have been severely compromised) and when you get reeeeeaaal uncomfortable give us a call and will bring in Hospice."

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo, please don't get me wrong.

I know I am and need to be grateful for the medical community, my Angels, my Care Givers (and if you are reading this you fall into the last two categories.), my nuclear family and all un-nuclear families, RE/MAX Advanced, ECC...

Wow, where would I be if it weren't for all of yous?

Probably, thanks to Gregg I have an interest in Native American Spirituality, Chief Cancer Jockey would take me out to the wilderness, leave me under a tree and ride off.

I'm really and truly one lucky son-of -a gun...and happy, almost gleeful for it.

And what an Adventure this is...

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