Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Change of plans!!!

   Well, I got chauffeured down to the University of Colorado medical Center, or some such place, yesterday by my friend Doug who took a day off from work to be with me...
   Gawd, you guys are amazing.
   When I get through this...and I will...there's some poor dude or dudette who is gonna be in need of some assistance and I'll be all over him or her paying back what you guys and guyettes have done and are doing for me.
The Pastor at my church (Hey, Bert...how ya doin') has been using this visual aid that is amazing...
He has 2 empty glasses and a pitcher full of water. The water in the pitcher represents God's blessings, or Grace, or forgiveness, or... He takes the pitcher and fills one of the glasses representing God's pouring out of _________ (fill in the blank) into us, So, now there's this glass of ___________ (fill in the blank). He says that the glass is the perfect receptacle, but its contents need to be emptied into the other glass (representing someone)  to __________ (fill in the blank) them...and to make room for more of God's  _________ (fill in the blank) in us,a.k.a the 1st glass.
If'n you're near my age (106), you at onetime had the belief that, "What goes around comes around", and those far eastern folk have this thing called Karma and us'ns who like the Carpenter Man's teachings, one of which is "As you sow, so shall you reap"...
So you's  are preparing me to help someone in the future who right at this moment is unaware that at some point in the future I am going to be able to pour out __________ (fill in the blank) to them as you _________ (fill in the blank) to me.
Make sense?
I hope so cuz I ain't gonna delete it and try it again...

Oh, yeah...my trip to Denver yesterday.

Wellst, basically my whole treatment plan and the next few months have been turned upside down and a whole new set of "plans" is being formed.

I thought I was going to have a bone marrow transplant consultation, but nope. No bone marrow transplant!
We're shiftin' gears here to stem cell transplant. They're still gonna be using my stem cells but there won't be any harvesting like there would have been with  bone marrow transplant. I just go down there 2 times in June and the procedure is sorta like giving plasma or donating blood. It's a non-invasive outpatient procedure.

Now, things get a little confusing timing wise for me now because I won't have a schedule of what is going to happen until 10 days after I go back down there on the 19th or 20th and have a whole battery of tests done.

What I do know is, depending on the UCH (University of Colorado Hospital) gets along with my insurance company, somewhere around June 23rd (Which at this point is a target date, but a moving target at present.) I will check into the hospital for a 45-60 day stay!
They will be, in effect killing all my red blood cells, all my white blood cells and all my platelets.
So I'm gonna be Bubble Boy without the bubble.
I'm gonna have virtually no immune system until the treated stem cells start doing their job and somehow creating new blood cells and platelets.

Anyway, that's all the news that's fit to print...for now.

I have come to learn that that whole Scenario I just laid out my change, but for right now that's what I know1


  1. Wow...sounds like science fiction...I hope you are allowed your laptop!! I didn't like that harvest word either. Modern medicine is absolutely incredible and you are in the most capable hands..and I don't just mean the doctors!! Somewhere I heard that we don't give out sympathy in the rooms you and I attend, but we do empathize and we have an awesome amount of compassion. I hope you get a ton of clients to work with and anyone who thought you were going for pity or sympathy just don't get it!! Love you Pete..keep trudging and I will keep praying.

  2. Julie,
    You are an absolute rock in my life and I need and love that about you.
    I salute you and I thank you for your life!
