Friday, May 7, 2010

Oh, yeah...I still help people buy and sell real estate!!!

The Docs discovered my cancer almost by accident.
I was having some adult guy prostate issues and  because the medications weren't bringing me total relief, one of the Urologists suggested a bone marrow biopsy and that came back withe the cancer thing.
That, the cancer (Multiple Myeloma it's known as...ain't I special? I didn't get just Single or Double Myeloma!) immediately took precedent and the other issue (ol' guy problems) got put on the back burner and day before yesterday we started to re-address them.
Wellst, that's kinda sorta what happened with my occupation.
Helping People Live Indoors is what I do for a a living, and that kinda sorta got put on the back burner. My fellow RE/MAX Advanced fellows, and perhaps especially Cindy, offered to assist me with what I had going and thanks to her/them I've actually got a couple of closings coming up.
But when they close my bucket is almost empty.

The realization came to me that, yeah I have cancer and year I have to do chemotherapy and "face"  couple of surgeries to harvest (gawd I hate that word) my bone marrow in anticipation of the bone marrow transplant and then the transplant itself...but that doesn't mean that I' m outa business!
I have a great listing coming up in Paragon Point in a couple of weeks and a client who wants/needs to move to Erie or Brighton but needs to sell her place up here first...and already maybe has a buyer for it... but you know, in this biz I need to, and can even with cancer work with more than just a couple of folks at a time.
The every day bills keep coming in and now there's a bunch of new ones coming in from various medical people, places and things and I have co-pays to make every time I see one of them. Even though I do have insurance, the stack (Well, I'm really putting them in a 3-ring binder,) grows almost every day.
A way to reduce the "stack" is to help somebodies buy or sell real estate.

I'm a Real Estate Broker, and even though I'm bothered with this 'lil affliction that does not mean I can't do my job...which I do well by the if you know anyone who needs to buy or sell any real estate, would you first let them know about me and then let me know about them!
I'd sure appreciate it!

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