Friday, May 14, 2010

And the Change of Plans Change!!!

This Adventure that you are accompanying me on is full if surprises, direction changes and I'm no too sure there aren't some altitude changes thrown in...
Dr. Choon-Kee Lee, is my Denver at the University of Colorado Medical Center/Hospital and I was referred to him by Dr. McFarland, my Oncologist at Front Range Cancer Specialists  and I am absolutely trusting the process...and the Great Physician.
Dr. Lee is Korean and as Doug and I found out is extremely educated and qualified and I feel safe in his MD arms...however, Dr. Lee speaks with a thick, thick accent and I don't speak , so I don't translate into my brain Korean-English-Brogue-Accent.
So some of my understanding was marred by my inability to clearly understand him, so therefore what I came home with from my trip to Denver to meet with him has turned out to be a little skewed.
OK, I still have to do two 4 day inpatient stints in June and I still have to go down for tests next week that thenst will cause me to have a schedule of "upcoming events".
But instead of 90 days inpatient beginning June 23rd, I go in for 14 to 28 days and then for the next 30 days I need to stay within 30 minutes of the University Hospital in Denver.
The reasons for that, as I "understand it (and my understandings are becoming suspect) is that I'll be handy for frequent check-ups with Dr. Lee and that because with my platelets still rebounding from the Stem Cell Transplant I'll have during my "up to 28" day stay If I bruise myself or cut myself I could "bleed out".
Now, Dr. McFarland is going to communicate with Dr. Lee to see if he can't handle this in Ft. Collins rather than Denver.
Sooooooooo, nuff of that technical stuff and tomorrow I'll 'splqain why the day before yesterday ws the worst day "yet" an yesterday was worse than that and how today has turned into a pretty durn good day and I have hope foraging around  my psyche and soul again!
There's hope here for us Multiple Myeloma patients!!!!!!!!!!

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