Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sleepless in Seattle?

Sleepless in Fort Collins...

Wellst, a lot has gone on recently and I'm not sure of how it's going to play out, except that it's going to play out good!
Things, they are a changin' again, but this time I can't be frustrated with the Docs because the problem mis literally within me!
I think I may have told yous that they found my cancer "by accident".
I was havin' ol' guy prostate issues, i.e. enlarged prostate which leads to some urinary problems...nothin' new here, they advertise it on TV!
In the course of trying to treat that, via a bone marrow biopsy they discovered the Myeloma, my cancer.
Well, with the cancer diagnosis my "issues" with my other "issue" came to a screeching halt and I jumped right into chemotherapy and preparation for first, a bone marrow transplant and now a stem cell transplant.
The other issue flared up and now I have an infection which basically puts my cancer treatment on hold until we can get this new/old issue mended.
It looks like I'm headed for a "roto-rooter" surgery to fix my prostate and in doing so the infection that I have will go away and we can get back on track with the cancer treatment.
Infection is a horrible word, isn't it? It sounds almost nastier than cancer... It sounds like my innnards are turning into some sort of green gangrenous yuck that will probably kill me before the cancer does...which ain't the case.
For now, the worst case scenario is that my cancer treatment, i.e. the stem cell transplant, could be...I say could be...delayed anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks, but it wasn't scheduled to take place until early July anyway.
But...that is just rampant rumor in my mind as nothing has really been confirmed yet. I go down to the Anschutz Cancer Center at University hospital in Denver next Thursday for some more tests, a visit with a Shrink (I'll have him or her straightened out in no time...just watch!) concluding with a consult with my Oncologist down there who is sorta "runnin' the show". I should come away from that days visit with a little more understanding of what's going on and sorta what my schedule is.
You know, it sounds like I know, sorta what's going on, and sorta I do but if it weren't for Cindy and Doug, whomst I label my primary care givers, I'd be really in a world of hurt!
Doug, bless his ol' pea-pickin' heart goes with me to my consults with docs both here and in Denver and then helps me understand what they've said. You see, when I step inside a medical facility or a Dr.s office now, my mind goes apoplectic and the "C" word shuts off most rational thinking and Doug, and Cindy help bring me back to reality. Cindy offices just barely down the hall from me here to RE/MAX Advanced and is ever vigilant with my calendar and my med list making sure that I don't miss an appointment and that my med list is current and that I don't take a new antibiotic within 124.8365 minutes of consuming a dairy product.
Anywho, that's my post for today and I'm surprised I could be somewhat coherent...or was I?
As the title of this post suggests, I'm still having a sleep deprivation issue and last night was particularly vicious in that I was awakened by I dunno what every hour and so today has been a day like I've almost never had since we started on this Adventure...I'm just 'not all there' and it's like I'm having an after chemo tired rush. And maybe I am, even thou it's Saturday and I haven't had chemo since Thursday...and my last chemo "for a while"!
I'm at the office, but I think I'll head for the barn.


  1. I think it is probably normal to feel confused, frustrated, and exhausted. I think you are amazing and strong. Hang in there. I love you and know you will get through this. Keep Trudging my know that means walking with purpose!!! I know God walks with you and is not done with you here on earth yet!! So glad you are surrounded by so many loveing and caring people.

  2. May you feel God's comfort and peace in His strong and loving arms. May you rest your head, heart and mind in His hands. And He lifts you up on my prayer and kisses you gently and rocks you to sleep.

    Rest up, take care and know there are so many people who care about you, love you and are praying for you. I am one of those people. :)
