Saturday, June 26, 2010

And now it's Saturday!

OK, so Tuesday is approaching.
Tuesday is the beginning of  "We're forging ahead 'as if'" if the insurance company is going to authorize the transplant.
As of today, they haven't but the people/person "responsible" for saving my life, so to speak, are saying that we've run out of time and we need to be gettin' on with gettin' on so that's what we be doin'!
So, I'm makin' a list and will have probably Cindy check it twice, of what it is that I need to be packin' both from home and the office.
From the office is pretty's basically my computer and peripherals, like the camera. If'n you're hooked up to Instant Messenger you can probably, if'n you want to, see me either sitting up in the hospital in Denver or reclining in bed!
Doug sez that there's a list in my ever growing cancer 3-ring binder of things that I might wanna take, so I'll check that out.
A strange thing, but not the only strange thing about this whole "Adventure" is that I still don't have a handle on he exact I don't know when I'll be taking certain chemotherapy that they list as being able to have either inpatient or out patient. Outpatient sounds fine, but having to drive every day to Denver for chemo for 10 days doesn't sound too appealing.
And I don't know for sure hen I'll be adiosing the hospital after the transplant.
What I do know is that I'll be transitioned into a 2 bedroom "apartment", or some such for an indeterminate amount of time, probably 2-4 weeks and I'll have to be within 30 minutes of the hospital because I'll have to go in daily for bloodwork to see how those re-introduced stem cells are doing, and also because I won't have  sufficient clotting ability to keep me from "bleeding out" I'll have to have 24/7 "care". Now that sounds ok if'n you be married or some such, but there are those of us who are "un some such".

Soooooooooooooooooooooooo, I need some help here folks.

I can't ask for specific time commitments at present, but what we're thinkin' about doin' is settin' up a calendar after I know the time specific and having people "sign-up" for a couple of days (in a row) or whatever is feasible/comfortable.
We'd be looking at, and this is an educated guess, probably late July and into August.
If this is something you would feel comfortable doing, please e-mail me back, and/or Cindy at and when we get the specifics more tuned we'll be in touch, ok?

We can watch Soaps, play cribbage, cook outrageous meals and solve most, if not all of the problems facing the globe today.

Should/Could be fun!


  1. could certainly sign me up..I love cribbage and cooking..however, the distance is a bit of a problem..I think you will have to settle for my company on a more ethereal plane..You are trudging nicely and I am so glad you are surrounded by so many friends!! Love ya and always thinking of ya!!

  2. Etheral plane...if it's a Lear Jet maybe you still could work it out?
