Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fall down, go boom....

Ok, I'm not sure where I left off, but here goes...

I had been down to Denver on Thursday after being released from PVH (Poudre Valley Hospital) on Wednesday, While in Denver I saw a Urologist who told  me, sic, "Nah, you don't need a Terp, (a.k.a Rotor Rooter Job) just take this pill for two months and it will take care of the problem."
Well, that made me happy and unhappy at the same time. No surgery was a good thing... postpone the transplant two months was not a good thing.
But, I would see my Oncologist and the Transplant D.U.D.E. and see what he had to say.
Well, my appointment with him got mixed up time-wise and I didn't get to see him at all.
So, Cindy and I trudged on back to Fort Collins and I went to the pharmacy to fill the Denver Urologists prescription.
As opposed to many (3 or 4 decades) ago, "take as prescribed" has some meaning to me today so I took my one (1) pill that night and went to bed.
The next morning found me awake, chipper and hearing the doorbell. It was Si, one of the seemingly hundreds of folks who have not given it lip-service, but shoe-leather walk-the-talk folk who are indeed helping me. We got him acquainted with my electric lawn mower and I grabbed the pooper-scooper and went off to retrieve Roseys dogie doo-doo.
That all went fine and I putzed around inside the house some while Si mowed and weed-et (-eated). he silently left with out me being able to say thanks, so Si, "Thanks."
It became time for me to shower and get presentable for the day so I disrobed and prepared to turn on the water in the shower when all of a sudden I got dizzy, felt a buzz in my head and my entire skeletal and muscular system gave out on me and clump, I hit the floor unable to move,
Ont thinks of may things while lying on the bathroom floor, unable to get up...and yes, one of them was the TV commercial, "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"
Finally after about 45 minutes I managed to crawl over to my bed and lift myself up and to a sitting position.
I stayed there for 20 minutes, or so...and then stood up and took the tentatives steps that got me into the living room where my recliner and the oxygen was.
I sucked down a few liters of oxygen and felt better...better 'nuff to take that shower and get dressed.
My "priority" now was to get to my Urologist up hare and visit with him about what the Urologist in Denver had said, so  I called and his office could get me in shortly, so oft I head that-a-way.
Got to his office located at the Harmony Campus and got put of my car, took ten (10) steps and down I went. Well, being in the parking lot of a medical facility, I was less than immediately surrounded by folks in scrubs and folks who were not.
I was hoisted into a wheel chair and taken into Front Range Cancer Specialists (where I had gotten my chemo) and they checked me out and insisted that I go see my G.P., so off so go in Cindy's car...I had called her for assistance and fortunately for me was there in a flash to help!
We got to the Docs office and I got out, took 1/3 of  step and,,,you got it...down I go.
Well, at least I \am now in the habit of going down in medical Establishments parking lots...therefore having learned, caring people accompanied by wheelchairs showing up "stat."
Finally inside the clinic it is quickly determined that the pill prescribed by the Urologist in Denver was an "alpha blocker" and my chart showed I didn't do well with alpha-blockers with a history of taking them and having my blood pressure drop 40 points or more when I stand.
Problem Identified!
Problem not necessarily solved!
Down I go one more time when we finally get me home and it's only S.O.S. calls to Doug and Max that gets me in the house...Cindy weighs about 46 pounds and after my initial chemo weigh gain I tip the scaled at about 326pounds...and she's out weighted at this point
You see, I've still got that med floating around in my system and did/do for a few more days.
Results...down go boom twice (2) on Saturday and once (1) on Sunday.
Monday it's back down to Denver and I'm still a little uneasy upon standing.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, it's Monday and I'm back in Denver looking for the OK for the Terp from the Denver Oncologist cuz hes my main guy now.

Well, long story short he's all for it and I'm going into the hospital tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 8:00 to get "terped"!!!!

Actually, there's more to the story but my hands are cramping and I'm feeling a hankerin' to go home and get some rest and hopefully snooze time.
I'll be MIA until Saturday or Sunday, but know that yous be thought about, appreciated and loved.

1 comment:

  1. Pete, Been thinking of you often. "Terp" doesn't sound fun... your stick-to-it-iveness, veracity, and humor about everyday life will sure help.
    All the best from Nevada...
