Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A lot has transpired...

...since last we met!
I'm probably not going to be "picking up where I left off" but more what has happened since!
I had the surgical " procedure" done...better that than an "amaturecedure"...on Wednesday last and was told, and now I believe that all went well.
Spent a relaxed weekend just doin' not much of anything and waltzed, sorta, into a busy Monday.
Started off to a trip to the Urology Clinic where that invasive apparatus was removed much to my relief and not long after I was relieved once more to find that I could relieve myself without any pain or discomfort. Only time in my life I ever wished I was canine so I could run about marking my territory even if it wasn't mine!
Then a brief meeting with my Ft. Collins Oncologist Dr. McFarland who basically just wanted to know how I was feeling as he was returning that day from a weeks vacation. I appreciate and respect him for just wanting to check in with me, no charge, no co-pay, just a caring human being.
Thens it was off to Denver with my friend Doug who has accompanied me on many of these jaunts and I am so grateful for that. I arrive at that campus Where the University of Colorado Hospital/Anschutz Medical Campus and a part of my brain shuts off as either having an apoplectic attack or some sort of primal defense mechanism goes off.
Had a consultation with my Denver Oncologist and he reaffirmed what he had said in the last meeting that I had with him that the Myeloma was wanting to be more in attack mode and that we needed to speed up our attack/counter attack.
He also noted that I had a rather persistent cough which has accompanied me since prior to being admitted up here with pneumonia...as a matter of fact, he almost seemed professionally paniced concerned about it and told me that we could not proceed much without the cough and whatever was behind it being adiosed. So he wrote me a script for some industrial strength antibiotics and one day later my cough has not disappeared, but I'm able to talk without coughing...something I couldn't do yesterday and how he cleverly diagnosed that i had a persistent cough!
So, almost as if acting on an "as-if" the cough and what be causing it were summarily adiosed, the plan is for me to check into UCH next Monday and we'll, like I have something to do with it, harvest the stem cells and then blast me with industrial strength chemo which amongst killing off whatever it needs to kill off drops my immune system down to virtually nil, hence no infections or whatever is causing this cough can be present or adios I go!
Soooooooooooooooooooo, it looks like the intermural practice games are over and it's time to put on the pads and go at it.
Wish I didn't have to play out this one out, but I do.
But what "it" doesn't know is that the game is rigged. Not only do I have the best players, angels, practitioners and family on my side, I know the Referee!

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