Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Long time no "talk"?!?

Seems like a long time since I've "blogged", a.k.a., we've talked...
Well it has been and I ain't even gonna go back and figure out how long, but it's been a while.

So, I'll kinda bring yous up to speed, even if'n I can't 'member last we spoke...

I'm gonna get my transplant tomorrow, wowsers!
What a journey/adventure!
The past few days have been sorta strange. I received the last of the "wipe out my bone marrow/white cells/red cells/ platelets chemo and they also wiped out a lot of my memory.
Some of you know that years ago (23+) I used to drink a wee bit, and some of you will recollect a post around the ... no, that was July 10th and had to do with my MVA (medicinal talk for Motor Vehicle Accident, which is the verbiage they like to use in here for why my left arm doesn't function!).
I guess I wasn't diagnosed with Myeloma (Bone Marrow Cancer) until March 17, 2010 or elst I probably would have blogged about what happened to me on March 7, 1987.
Anywho, ante-grade post (a.k.a. sometime in the future) 3/7/87, the past few days have sorta reminded me of what happened to me in the past few days.
Nicole, one of my Nurses, just came in and I asked her what happened to me in the past few days.
She said, "Chemo brain"...as if I didn't know what Chemo brain was.
Chemo brain s a temporarily {I hope!} malady which affects the brain causing it to have "crashes", most of which are memory related.
I don't clearly remember what has happened to me in the past few days because they "bombarded" me with so much chemo tho effectively kill off as most of the cancer cells, unfortunately along with a bunch of my healthy cells, as they could prior to transplant {TOMORROW!!!}.
So, if you called or dropped by and I seemed "out of it", I apologize, but I was "out of my head".
Somes of yous who have experienced this or know someone who has experienced this will know what I'm talking about.

Whilst I was "out of it", the most wonderful Real Estate Office in the universe, RE/MAX Advanced, of course, staged a benefit car wash for me raising a significant amount of money to help me through this "ordeal" and for that I am eternally, like forever, grateful. To work at an establishment that is as caring and as wonderful is something that is to be cherished, and I cherish "it" in "its" entirety.
Yous alls @ RE/MAX Advanced from Tammy who opens up every morning to Sandy who shuts 'er down and makes her sparkle and spearheaded by this Specialness Person whomst I respect beyond measure are simply beyond treasure and I mean that, not just because of the Car Wash but because yous are whos yous are and have been planted at 1018 Centre there to Fort Collins, CO on a very special mission...if yous be wondering what that mission is, just come walk in the door and take a whiff of the air, as there is something very special about what you will breathe and it, the air, will bring about a spiritual change in you if you let it...I promise.

Nuff said, nuff cried.

I'll "talk" to you tomorrow before and/or after transplant...new/extended life.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Picking up from August 18...

...I have written and lost a couple of blogs since the last one and I am exhausted one more time. They either went out into cyberblog space or somehow I adiose them!
Anywho, I might just wait till tomorrow...that'd be friday!

Well, Chemo brain is a lot of fun and a lot more than chemo contributes to it me thinks...

from reading over the last blog I will pick up from where I left off...
And please 'xuse the Pre-Parkinson's, 'Palsey Tremor-ed keystrokes that seem to plague my typing when I get a' key-strokin' when I'm bushed but, we's tired after a very up and down day...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Oh Good grief Charlie Brown

This blog, as are most of them I suppose, is more for me than yous.
I just re-read the last blog I wrote about going home and how excited I was...well, everything went to hell before I even left the hospital. It was nobodies fault other than me and my thinker. I could have been home but as things came up and people had to cancel I had a couple of people who were willing and could have come down but in trying to save them the trip I hung in with some who couldn't come when they originally thought they could and then they were willing to have there spouse come down, but that, in net terms would get me home about the time as someone who I thought was on they way but was having cell phone issues and about the time I caught up with him he was already back in Fort Collins but was willing to come down and my headache (which was bone pain.)..thanks Gregg! My skull was hurting so it was really a skull ache!

So I started my 4 days in Fort Collins on the wrong foot...it wouldn't matter because bone pain in fused itself in to both my feet.

When I left I had a list of 17 things that I wanted to do while "home". I brought that list back with me and there are still 12 items not checked off!

Friday I felt so-so but I did get a couple of things done including a Fort Collins Board of Realtors and made it to Jack's meeting which was not on the list because there were two things that were not on the list and I crawled to the las one, a bbq @ Max & Sandys.

Saturday I set out to finish my list and attend a bbq that our Monday night Group was going to have at my house......but by early afternoon my legs and my shoulders hurt soooo bad I had to go home and cancel it.
I had, in spite of the pain medicine, a horrible night but did manage to get to church. After church I just went home and my "Angel care giver" Cindy came over as did Super-didn't-know-she-was-gonna-be-a-nurse-Connie. They packed me, fed me, flushed my ports and sadly, left cuz they had to.

This morning, promptly at 8:00 as instructed I called down here to ask when my bed would be ready and was told I could come down because hey had several beds!...

...I'l finish this up in the morning. I'm bushed.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I'm Headed home!
Max is gonna come pick me up at 4:40ish and I'm outa here...'til Monday.
So I'll get to make church tonight (the First Church of the Second Chance) and then Sunday (Evangelical Covenant Church of Fort Collins) first service, and Thursday night I'll be able to make that secret...not so secret Fellowship (it's got to do with not drinking and you'd be able to find it in the front part of the telephone book) as I will Jack's meeting of that Fellowship and another one of those at 5:30pm on Sunday that meets at the Vineyard Church!
I'm taking home a box of 50 masks so I can do that and also pop in to RE/MAX Advanced whenever I want!
So even though I wish I didn't have to come home, I'm a Happy Cancer Cowboy that I do!
Cindy's gonna flush out my tri-fusion every day I'm home, Rosie's probably gonna give the cold shoulder at first, and I'll get to sleep in my own bed!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


...this is how it is (for now).
   I have been doing exceptionally well, or should I say my body has with the collections. Yesterday they were expecting to get...
   Did I already tell you this? I think I did. If I didn't I will sometime.
   Anywho, there's a chance depending on how I do tomorrow that I might go home tomorrow!
   If not and if I do well (collecting) Thursday then I go home after collection...and the same for Friday.
   It is now not up to how many cells they get but as to how my body/bones are reacting...if they are not reacting well then collection efforts stop.
   If I had to guess, and all my guesses are suspect at best, I would guess that it would be tomorrow.
   About 1/3 into collection today my butt started to hurt and then my legs and then my arms and skull...it was that bone pain that they had promised me and I had sorta experienced before.
   They couldn't give me anything substantial for the pain so I took as much Tylenol as they would let me. As soon as the collection was over I had an Oxycodone ready and popped it. 
   I laid down on the bed so they could give me my Neupogen shots and it took almost everything I could to order dinner and do this.
   If I go back and lay down I may miss dinner, but until the Oxycodone kicks in my butt bones and my leg bones and my skull bone really hurt.

Monday, August 9, 2010


So, it's approaching Sunday evening and I have felt like c*** for two days.
Just like the last time I had a round of Neupogen shots, I get bone pain which is really hard to describe...but it hurts like h***. Along with that I get a flu like feeling with achy joints and muscles, a low grade headache and
                                                    ***************...that was yesterday and my dinner came and afterwards I was just to dang exhausted to finish.

So now it is Monday, and as we "speak" I am getting harvested of stem cells!

But let me get back to yesterday and IJDFM.
I had thought been lead to believe that I was going to be here for the duration, meaning through another collection of stem cells (they/we didn't get enough the 1st time), through Conditioning, a.k.a. turbo chemo virtually wiping out most of my white blood cells, platelets and taking a toll on my red blood cells, through the 1 day break  and then the transfusion, which only takes a day, and then the 3 week inpatient bubble boy thing followed by a 3-6 week stint in transitional housing thenst back home.
Well, all that changed with the interjection of a 2-10 day discharge/re-admission stint spell dictated by the insurance co. (?).
When I found that out I went ballistic.
For the first time in years, maybe since I got sober, I felt like throwing something...I didn't, but I sure felt like it...
Maybe that all came about as the result of me watching, so far, all but one of the entire seasons of 24...when I grow up I wanna be just like Jack Bauer... .
Anywho, I threw tantrums, over-voiced my opinion to anyone who had scrubs or a tie on and of course got no where.
Somewhere in my mental rage, Cindy showed up and calmed me down.
Thanks to her, I was able to cull things down to It Just Don't F***ing Matter to by the time she left, It Just Don't Frickin' Matter...IJDFM.
You know, it really doesn't. In the grand scheme of things, what's 2-10 days, a.k.a. a few days, matter. Next year at this time when I'm all more better and can look back at all this and laugh {And if I'll be able to look back at next year and laugh, why shouldn't I laugh at it now?} why should I sweat a few days, right?
I'll be home for Christmas...that would make a great song lyric wouldn't it?
Now I'm getting de-hooked up from my cell extracting machine and am surrounded by nurses, one of which seems over anxious to give me my Neupogen shots-which I did not get during my last collection.
I thought of taking a picture of my belly and posting it, but that would be toooooooo gross and inappropriate.
Suffice it to say it's black and blue from one side do the other. My other option would be to get all these shots in my armpit!
No thanks, please!
I asked why I hat to get them in my belly or my armpit and was told it was for quick absorption.
OK, they do Medicine and I do Real Estate and I know I'm good at what I do and I trust they are good at what they do!
I''m dehooked, which is 'bout as good as being de-detethered...maybe even better because when I'm tethered I can still pull my pole around but when I'm hooked up to the cell-collection machine I'm there for the count.
So, I think I'll grab a mask and go down to the Cafe and get myself a treat!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


...so in the grand scheme of things it just doesn't matter, right?
I mean, what's 4 days or 10 days anyway, right?
It's all gonna work out the same right?
It's all gonna be okay.

I lied...

...I didn't mean to but Dr. Lee's Nurse/Translator/Assistant just came in (11:12) o tell me, "No, you're not staying. After the collection...which ain't happening today...we're going to discharge you for anywhere from 4 to 10 days depending if  bed opens up (I'm in a "bed" right now Gawdamnit!!!) and what your insurances says.
So, sometime next week I'll be coming home for who knows how long.
I've played this frickin' game before!
They sent me home for "a week or 10 days, and then after driving down here for the first three (3) days (x 69 miles...their figure...= 217 miles)

Cindy just came in, maybe she can calm me down because right now I'm one unhappy cowboy.

Oh the frustrations...

Really, just when I thought I knew what was going on, Blam! Sock! Bang! Sploosh! Splat! ...my attempt at the ol' Batman TV Show.
I thought I was here for the duration, i.e. Neupogen shots, Stem Cell collection, Conditioning (turbo-chemo), Transplant, Bubble Boy, Transitional Housing, House arrest, Freedom.
Two or three days ago my main Dr. comes in and lays a bomb on me...at least for me it's a bomb...that after collection he's going to send me home for a week or 10 days...been there done that and it lasted three days and each one of those three days I had to drive back down here for something before they lured me back with an urgent need to see a Cardiologist that never transpired.
I don't speak broken Korean-medical-English and as he blew into my room washed his hands, told me and washed his hand as e was leaving I hardly had time to get a word in edgewise.
The next day, so I guess that would make it two days ago he came in...my days tend to run together, which would have been yesterday (maybe?) he came in and determined to get the first word in as soon as I saw it was him I jumped out of bed and we sparred. He, I think, began to waffle and in broken-medical-English said he'd look into it and would let me know by the end of the day...which did not happen, of course.
So, as I write I am sitting at my "hospital desk", watching House at 8:44 in the morning which is somehow appropriate and waiting for him to come in.
After he left yesterday I was guardedly optimistic that I would be able to stay for the duration...but now I'm not so sure.
I just want this over and done with.
There was a time when I said that I would ante cede it with, whatever the result. But I don't mean that now. What I  mean is that I want to get my life back and then I think I'm being left out of the loop, have no say in what is happening with my life and am simply out of control.
When that starts to happen I begin to spiral downward and using all nine of my fingernails slow my descent long enough to where I can grab on to something and just hold on...and that's where I am now.
BTW, the plan was for them to begin collection of my cells at 8:00 and it's now 8:51.
Why should I be surprised...not a question but a statement.
I'm waiting..........9:01...9:10...9:19...am I sensing a nine second fuse here?...
He just came in...

I'm staying, I'm staying, I'm staying!

Yippee! Skippee! Hippee! Hippee: Horayee! 
No TV Show, I'm just the happiest patient in the Univeritey of Colorado Hospital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ol' far away from home week...

This has been  a few days of "catching up" with some ol' friends from far away, a long time ago and not so far away...but too far.. .
Stein, way good to hear from you and I'm sorry we had to cut our conversation short because your water for boiling crabs had reached critical mass. Sorry not for cutting the call short but because I couldn't be there to claim cripple and have someone crack crab for me.
Ever see the movie, "Bucket List"?
I love both Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson.
Anywho, I've started both a 'Bucket List' and a 'Deja Vu Bucket List, i.e. things that I've done before but would like to do again before I hop the twig.'
On the Deja Vu list is having Abalone. I haven't had Abalone for, let's see...2010 - 1973 = 37, 37 years, yet it is my all time favorite food beating out Yorkshire Pudding, perfectly grilled boneless Rib Steaks and fried Oysters.
When I was living in Washington I would sneak over or down to Trader Vic's an indulge in Abalone.
I even got on th internet and Googled around only to find that the nearest Trader Vic's is like in Hong Kong now...But there is a Restaurant in Colorado Springs that serves Abalone and when I get outa here and am well enough to travel I'm gonna head down there. Yeah, I know it's not on the coast but it bears the hell out of having to hitch hike to Hong Kong.
Richard, evn though you are "across the pond" the book which embodies "coffee table book" to the extreme I see virtually every day because I do have it out on the table. I'm gonna have to search the bowels of my computer to find that piece that Japke wrote for and about Reme.'..that can be something I can do here because I know I saved it but that was like 3 computers ago and I've kept all the files over the years just like I've always kept my maiden name.
And Mary, you insane goofball. Oh how I've missed your free spirit, your intense need to have fun and enjoy life...not to mention riding motorcycles together. Twas more than way good and way cool to reconnect on Skype.
Stephanie, Frank, Jim and I'm forgetting but not slighting others, I feel soooooo blessed to have enjoyed your presence in my life and I feel equally blessed and humbled that you stay in touch...yous just didn't make the "past few days" cut.

I thought I'd have a zillion & 3 things to put on my Bucket List and my Deja Vu Bucket list but both of them, to this point are short.
I don't know whether that's because I've lead a rather mundane life and have no dreams or that because the things past, present and future that are truly important to me x 12 are scarce and valuable and that's not all bad. I mean if there were a thousand Hope Diamonds then the Hope Diamond would have no luster (Sorry...bad pun. It's a birth defect.).
I didn't see that movie until after I had been diagnosed and a really good friend of mine, that would be you Michelle, brought it over and at first I was p***ed when I started watching it because it was about two guys dying in a cancer ward!
"How in the h*** could she think tht I would want to watch this!"
But as the movie unfolded it  became apparent and shortly after it was over it became clear.
So thanks, Michelle.

Life is good.