Tuesday, August 10, 2010


...this is how it is (for now).
   I have been doing exceptionally well, or should I say my body has with the collections. Yesterday they were expecting to get...
   Did I already tell you this? I think I did. If I didn't I will sometime.
   Anywho, there's a chance depending on how I do tomorrow that I might go home tomorrow!
   If not and if I do well (collecting) Thursday then I go home after collection...and the same for Friday.
   It is now not up to how many cells they get but as to how my body/bones are reacting...if they are not reacting well then collection efforts stop.
   If I had to guess, and all my guesses are suspect at best, I would guess that it would be tomorrow.
   About 1/3 into collection today my butt started to hurt and then my legs and then my arms and skull...it was that bone pain that they had promised me and I had sorta experienced before.
   They couldn't give me anything substantial for the pain so I took as much Tylenol as they would let me. As soon as the collection was over I had an Oxycodone ready and popped it. 
   I laid down on the bed so they could give me my Neupogen shots and it took almost everything I could to order dinner and do this.
   If I go back and lay down I may miss dinner, but until the Oxycodone kicks in my butt bones and my leg bones and my skull bone really hurt.

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