Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Anybody got calendar?

It appears that, depending on my continued good reaction to  the Neupogen shots that I'll be gettin' harvested (where they'll collect my stem cells) next Tuesday, more like Wednesday...my phonetical favorite day of the week!
That'll make  it Wednesday, July 14, 2010!
July has seemed to be a month of rememberences in my life...Twas Friday, I believe, July 10, 1985 that I had that 'll fender benderinnRed Feather that made me a one-kneecap uniplegic...but let's wait a couple of days to ponder on that one!
So, I'm pretty stoked that the whole transplant thing appears to be coming to fruition...I had my doubts for a while.
I gotta run as one of the meds they give me here to bring down my blood pressure is working which means I have to go powder my nose...who'd-a-thunk that having a shiny nose would contribute to high blood pressure!


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