Monday, July 26, 2010

Bad nights turn into good days!

Couldn't sleep worth a hoot last night.
Stayed awake until they switched out my chemo at 2:30am-ish.
When they say 24/7 they really mean best they can.
When I got rushed back down here, for no good reason(?!?) the got me started on the 24/7 regimen again, but because I showed up, at their n"request" on Thurs. pm instead of Monday morning as planned they didn't have my chemo concocted so by the time they did that it was like midnight or later and they finally got me hooked up and IV'd that started the 24/7 and so they come in and change it in the wee hours between vitals checks! So quality sleep is not something that one gets too much of around here.
I finally got awake for good around 9:00 or so and was a grumpy person for a while, but who was I grumpy at?
Finally coerced myself into a shower and a stroll around the ward...I never made a "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest sojourn, but maybe I could do my best to make this a ward like that!...and I felt better.
Hope I sleep better tonight. I'm better'rn 1/2 way through the 24 Six-Seven-or Eight Ology so that'll keep me company for a few more nights.

I know that there are a couple of you who are reading this who are experiencing a fight with this cancer thing, and I know that I might be a little ahead of you in the Journey, but rest assured that we'll get through this and I hope that my ramblings aren't having a negative effect on your attitude...and this goes too for those of you who are reading this who are my caretakers of the caretakers of someone battling this.
I've never done this cancer thing before, so all I have at present is my present and recent past experience.
I/we are soooooooo fortunate to have the best medical care in the world, although I sometime bitch about "the system".
If it were 10 years ago I'd already probably be in Hospice care, but because of the advances that have been made and are yet to be made I have all the confidence in the world that I'll pull through this and so will you.
Bob, although I haven't talked to you much, thanks for being a survivor and I appreciate the books and I'll get them back to you.
Chuck and Carol,  thanks to you to. The bag has come in handy and I treasure it.
This certainly is a rather large bump in the road and it has been a journey and and adventure and I appreciate all your comments and e-mails.
I believe that attitude is what will get me through this and I wouldn't have the attitude that I hope I have if it weren't for having someone to mirror it back.
Yous guys are mahvelous!

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