Sunday, July 4, 2010

I'm just along for the ride...

Wellst, the journey/adventure continues!
Went to bed last night after finishing up my 4 day 24/7 chemo and slept like a baby...'cepting for the coming in every 37.432 seconds to check for vitals and draw "labs", a.k.a. blood, but it doesn't hurt cuz they take it from my port.
The next step in the treatment plan is either a 7 or a 10 day barrage of something called NEUPOGEN®, which is the thing that evicts my stem cells from my bone marrow, where stem cells reside, into my blood stream so they can be "harvested"...we're back to that word...but I'm figuring this is the point of no return!!!!!
I still don't know where I'm gonna finish up this round of NEUPOGEN® because they've teased me with checking out today, or tomorrow, or staying here for the duration...but I'm just along for the ride!

...however, after being told yesterday and this morning during rounds that the NEUPOGEN® regimen was going to start today (because they want to see how I react to it because it has a tendency to reek havoc with one's bod) and give me two days of shots...the NEUPOGEN® is a shot(s) which they give me in my belly, but it/they didn't hurt, not like the rabies shots I had to get in my belly when I was a kid and from which I still have the scars!...Kevin {did I tell you my brother is here with me?} and I kept a waitin' for the grand entrance of the NEUPOGEN®" Nurse, but she never came!
So finally at 4:00ish I called in my day nurse to ask her about when I was going to get my NEUPOGEN® shot to which she turned on the charm and said, "Huh?"
She went off to check on it and sure 'nuff I was supposed to get it, but had I not called I wouldn't have, so Ivy, you're right!

I feel soooooooooooooooooooooooo happy as I truly think this is then point of no return and I wish I could call each and every one of you and thank you for hangin' in there with me, your thoughts and your Prayers.

Wow, like I've said before there is no where in me, although this cancer is incurable, that I even began to think that it was going to kill me...the caveat being that I got treatment and my magic magnifying mind has had that in doubt a time or two...but now I am getting exactly what I need.

I owe you guys big time, not just for being my Care Givers, lawn mowers, house cleaners, brush pickin' up, financial benefactors but my Partners in Life and I'm glad Kevin snuck out to get us some non-hospital food dinner 'cuz a a 'lil brotherr shouldn't see his big brother cry...or, heck, why not!

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