Thursday, July 29, 2010


I'm like really old.
There's a lot of people even here in the hospital who don't remember the Thalidomide malady of the 50's & early 60's, and I suppose there be some of yous that don't either,,,but that's okay cuz I'm old, and I'm gonna get a lot older!!!!
Thalidomide was responsible for an epidemic of birth defects way back when, but it has a new use today as a chemo for certain cancers and mine is one.
Thalidomide I think was brought up at one of my first consultations I had with my Cancer Docs and it has been brought up about every time "they" go over my med lists whether it be in Ft. Collins or here. I've just kinda given whoever the RCA Dog look (People don't remember the RCA Dog either!) and they acknowledged the look and said, "You don't have it?"
And I say, "No."
Late this morning I got a call from a Pam at a CVS Pharmacy in Pittsburgh, PA saying she had some and I qualified for a grant from the Chronic Disease Foundation for $7,000 that should take care of the co-pay for the rest of the year...this having cancer and getting treated for it is reeeeeallly spendy.
I told my Nurse practitioner about it and she got a hold of one of my advocates here at the hospital and she came and talked to me and as it turned out a pharmacy here in Denver had also gotten the word that I needed the Thalidomide and they also were aware of the grant.
Oh, okay. Back to the RCA Dog look.
So apparently within a week or so I'll have the Thalidomide and it'll be shipped to my house!
Gregg will nab it and bring it down.
I've promised to use it responsibly and not get pregnant.

Yesterday and today have been really good days and thanks to Doug and my sister I can breathe a lot easier. I'm humbled and love you both.
Not that I'm not humbled by all the other people and "organizations" that have helped, offered to help and just simple stepped up to the plate be it materially, emotionally or spiritually...I am humbled, love and appreciate you all.

Today I thought that maybe i was going to go have a heart biopsy...that had been the plan for a week or so. By early afternoon that had been canceled, but bring on the MRI!
It's now 6:33pm and transport hasn't come to get me so I went ahead and ordered dinner.

You know, I get pretty frustrated frequently because it seems as if I'm out of the loop when it comes to my care and treatment, but there's this Still (sometimes) Small (sometimes) inner voice (always) that calms me (when I let it) and reminds me that I really am in good, if not wonderful hands and to just go with I am!

1 comment:

  1. No Pregnant RCA dogs allowed! Thanks for the facebook email and I can not wait to see you when you get back to Fort Collins. I wish I could do more for you, but you have not missed my daily prayer and good though list since I learned about what you were going through. I put images of you in my mind where you're healthy and it's 2020, a little bit wrinkly but still adorable and smiling1
