Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Just when you thought everything was...

...settling in.
Wellst, I thought I had a pretty firm grip/calendar on what was going to take place in the near future...then things get all buggered up.
I'm maybe not looking at a week or so at home but more likely just the weekend or?. Seems that "they (those behind the curtain kinda like the Wizard of Oz)" are thinking that, once again, they want to speed things up.
Soooooo, as we speak I am on the machine that is collecting my stem cells.
I knew that it, the collection process, was going to take 2, perhaps 3 days but initial "response" from the machine is that it may take as long as 5!
Then almost immediately they want to begin "conditioning" me for the infusion (re-introducing the stem cells).
I guess that means that best case scenario I'll be able to come home for the weekend, worst case scenario it'll be during the weekend or the beginning of next week and they've cut my time home to maybe 3 days.
But the decision on when is on a day by day basis and at least this time I'm not "counting" on anything, I'm just gonna ride it out odaat (one day at a time).

Seems I'm gonna need a barber (they provide one here a the hospital) today after stem cell collection or tomorrow!
In spite of being told that I would probably skate through this with no hair loss, the committee behind the curtain lied.
Whilst in the shower this morning and shampooing my hair it seems as if little clumps of hair were deciding they no longer wanted to reside on my head!
It wasn't a mass migration, but enough to tell me that the defoliation of my head was more'n likely gonna take place.
Should be pretty interesting because waaaay back in my drinking days I had a propensity for wrecking cars vehicles and going through windshields head first. So there's a few scars and bumps up there.
I hadn't thought through the vanity part of loosing my hair yet and I'm not pondering it at the moment so I don't know whether I'll do the baseball cap thing...visor in front, thank you...or some other hat. I ain't/can't do the bandanna thing. There are some drawbacks to being a uniplegic.
Well, think I'll pick up a book (Thanks French folk, and Abby too...We're still talkin' now 'n then) and read for a while.
I got started on the collection about 9:00 and the guestimate is I'll be done by 3:00ish...and I get to do this for another 2-5 days!


  1. Pa-leez don't do the backwards baseball cap -I'm sure we can fix you up with a "pre-tied" bandana thing that will be way more cool & more comfy - any freinds to help widdat?

  2. Ain't gonna do the backward baseball cap thing! Never, like ever!
    When my hair comes back I'll need that hole inn the back of my baseball cap for my ponytail!
